Whats the tv consensus on January Jones

Whats the tv consensus on January Jones

Ask me in a couple weeks

she keeps ruining the last man on earth

My aunt does casting for movies and she says that of all the people she's met, whether directors, actors, actresses, crew, even people outside of the industry, January Jones is the worst.

A huge bitch, very rude, incredibly selfish and stuck up, and so on. My aunt has had this beef for many years and always has a story about her.

Give us some more dirt user

she's hot and we'll date someday

She's either a bitch or has a very dry sense of humor. She upset zach galafinacticwdnsj. She is a one note actress.

post the GQ photo of her in the jacket show off great cleavage displaying those megatits



I already have this one

I'm just a lazy silly

do it for the hnnngs

She never laughs or smiles at anything people say, will stare you in the eyes and move her head to follow your gaze if you look away, and talks openly about how she doesn't like people. Apparently she got into acting because she wanted to rub it in the faces of people who were mean to her in school or something.

sounds like my type of chick

really wish i wasn't horrendously ugly and untalented


>one in the pink, one in the stink

what is she trying to say here?

You're aunt a shit who cares!

>woman has bad things to say about other, more attractive woman
Stop the fucking presses.

This doesn't sound like news...I mean Zach Galifinakis and the kid that played her son both say that she's a bitch.

terrible tits

Sounds legit autistic.

>you will never have autismal JJ as your gf

shes hotter senpai

Based. Your aunt can go sit on it.

Katheryn a cute