Why are short male actors such as Tom Cruise STILL getting lead roles...

Why are short male actors such as Tom Cruise STILL getting lead roles? (Think Mummy remake not using a superior 6'3" Brendan Fraser) Short men are obsolete and have NO PLACE in film or even society in general.


He's really good at dick-sucking, like the best in Holywood

>t. assmad lanklet

Falseflagging manlet detected.

>tfw katie will never tower over you
id rather be a cruise-tier manlet instead of a meme 5'10 manlet

Tell us where the manlet touched you, user.

>his height starts with 5'


>he actually believes in the manlet meme.

it's all about charisma

angry manlet detected

Because height doesn't matter on camera.

And Hollywood doesn't care about this hurr manlets meme.


how talll is he? she looks like those amazon pornos i been watching

im short so i wouldnt talk shit about another short fella but, damn, is she tall or he's a literal midget?

people with small bodies and big heads looked best on film

Smaller male actors are easier to frame with actresses. Probably.

because it's easier to film men who aren't lanky twats

its the camera angle you retards

Are you sure?

how so? fuck yourself man

i bet you never worked in a film production

>my mom's husband worked at marvel
>my wifes black son has a disposable camera

"wife has a black son"

haha what a KEK

wtf i wrote cuck

whats going on



***newfag intensifies***

Thanks for the (You)s

I hope you enjoy having your cock in my mouth.

>haha i was only pretending.jpg

kek @ (You)'re """life"""

it's a meme