Lost waifus

Eternal reminder that:

Juliet > Kate > Charlotte > Shannon > Sun

Other urls found in this thread:


>angelina jolie's sloppy seconds

imma pass nigga

>by looks
Kate > the rest
>by personality
Juliet > the rest

Obviously the Sup Forums choice

>tfw she hasn't been in a single good show besides lost

Kate might have better looking face, but she can't top Juliet's body.

Juliet just has big tits. Otherwise she is liteally a fridge.

>top tits
>top ass
>top thighs

How can it get any better?

I prefer L O S T waifus mysef

mommy my pee pee is hard


charlotte is kino

Charlotte bots spotted.

>leaving out Claire

Those are some rather large mammary glands

Still fine as fuck in 2016.

you better make me your waifu white boi

>you will never impregnate that

Isn't she the actress that has the "just pretend I'm a boy" scene with the tittymonster in Mad Men?

anyone ahead of kate



Nope, she's never been in mad men.

i thought she was jewish?

what made you decide she isnt?

>tfw he changed the rules
what a dick

kate is as fucking roastie as it gets

Does kate ever even smile though?

what kind of question is that

Is her career over now? Nothing lined up on her imdb page.





Not how guns work, Sun.


if you have never seen murder in greenwich, do yourself a favor

>it's a snow queen episode

>every episode she was barefoot

Used to actually be sick in love.

I love you, Claire.

How? Literally every episode was her yelling "MOI BAYBAY"



you got the wrong thread loser


the cross around her neck


if you dont pick alex youre a fucking pleb

>penis goes here

legfu is bestfu

404 ass not found

Ass is there, it's just a bad angle.

Based. Best girl besides Juliet

>Anyone above Kate

Lmao, she looks like a lewd midsummer night dream

>no Alex

I'm ashamed in you OP

Maybe not best girl, but Cindy the stewardess was always super cute to me. I like how she became an other and cared for those kids until the end; one of the few things I liked about the final season.

I always liked the blonde in the unterwater base.

>ywn be tied up against your will and be kept as a sex slave

this is quite possibly the best casting of a younger version of all time

Wow a Juliet thread holy shit, I thought I was the only one.

Nice thread.

>tfw the full us weekly set will never be released in full quality

juliet hats was the reason i came over to this hellhole
i still have my LOST folder ;_;

she's cute as fuck but she's so annoying i couldn't "waifu" her.

juliet is kind of an old hag, i couldn't find her attractive past her big tits. And im no teenager, im 26

>How can it get any better?
far and away best feets, true contender for best in all hollywood.

dem toes

post more juliet

dat arch



she's lovely, but she walks like a man

I even watched some show about what happens when there is no electricity just for her, it turned out pretty ok but there is no one to talk about it with, I watched it and I can't even remember it

whole ball of wax


This! She was only 16 when she first appeared but i had an instant boner at first sight!

>Juliet's walk

what was up with that

The original smirkfu.

Post more smirks.

How did the hat meme start?

>i thought she was jewish?
Jesus H. Christ was hebrew/jewish.

>oval tits

I watched Revolution just for her. Sadly i don't think she was ever barefoot in it : (

i wish i knew


Do you have somewhere i can wash myself user? :x

>tfw have to watch so many memeshows just for her

At least we got this nice shot.



>le meme immune to weight loss man

k8 the gr8

Did any other julietfag watch that awful dead of summer show just for her?

he'd've been right at home in Alexandria

>take off the shirt

Yeah I thought it was gonna get lewd as fuck for a while there but we got cockteased.


dat axilla



I want her to be my mommy

How can we get Juliet into the MCU?

literally perfect younger character casting

This is the only acceptable answer.

Tania Raymonde is my jewfu.

Wasn't Lost one of the core nodes in that diagram showing hundreds of TV shows actually taking place in the same universe?

Post more Juliet. The momcest threads on /gif/ have been dead lately.
