She will not die...

She will not die. I had a 70 year old fenale teacher and she had a heart attack at class and next week she came back to class just fine.

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Did she stop breathing for 10 minutes?

Carrie was so pretty back in the day.

Don't do drugs, kids.

She will die though
Dubs confirm

I hope she dies though, it would be funny as fuck

Its dead Jim

Was she a coke addict too?

That was a skinwalker. Congrats OP youre already dead.

Dude, what!?


As weird as it sounds, I'm kinda envious of the medics who attended cos they would have got to sneak a peak at that rack (to do the heart monitor).

they're reporting she's stable. move on

Vegetables can be stable

stahp with your weak pasta for serious

Your 70yo teacher also didn't do massive amounts of cocaine for decades


I had a fried beat cancer so nobody will ever die from cancer

She is a drug whore, I would be in joy to see all the tears of people who dont know shit about her. Also le 2016 was the worst year because some people died is funny too

more like shes a vegetable

Yes of course she won't die... after 15 minutes of CPR she'll end up a vegetable.

how edgy

She already was though

how does fried beat cancer tastes like?

ooooh boo hoo sorry that your little lady who is known from doing drugs got rekt. I am so sorry

The shitty CGI in Rogue gave her a heart attack

100% of people who breathe air will die. She will die once in her lifetime.

It would probably be best for the Star Wars franchise t.b.h.

Thanks, like all we really need is more horrible uncanny valley CGI to further ruin these already atroucious Disney Star Wars movies.