
I can't believe some normies find this hambeast attractive

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>51 years old

jesus fucking christ







What's going on here?


Could it be...nevermind

This is why the camel doesn't have a career.

too bad that won't fit in 140 characters

This arouses me.



She's so ladylike.

What did she mean by this?

Can women actually taste things with their vagina?
I've seen this mentioned in doujins and anime before too.

She's wearing them on her head and they shrunk after washing.

yes, idiot, of course they can

wow, check out this virgin


She's getting fatter and claiming it's her clothes getting smaller.

omg felicia this is why i love you! :3

Of course, thats why they make flavored condoms and advise me to drink pineapple juice before sex


old lady goes on twitter, starts many tweets. Gets AUTISM. Many such cases!

>get stoned and pig out on mail order gourmet junk food again
>take massive messy shit that gets all over the entire inside area of your asscheeks
>fail at wiping
>fail at washing hands
>wake n bake and start pigging out again
>ohohoh poopoo on my finga hahahaha gotta tweet this omg, stephan look i had poopoo on my finger honey hehehe oh yes i am going to tweet it dear haha






virgin detected

>There’s a lady up onstage now and she’s saying the most unladylike things, quite shocking. The folks in the crowd are looking at each other, astonished. They can hardly believe what they’re hearing and I can tell that they don’t know what to do, so they decide to laugh.
>t. Norm Macdonald

What did she mean by this?

To believe it is chocolate but in reality the woman is chmelling exchcrement and so on

Why is Norm so based?

>almost 6k likes
what did they mean by this?

Why are women so disgusting?

>cleaning up women's bathroom
Just fuck my bloody shit up.

Why is Felicia so disgusting?

He's what happens when the funniest man alive also happens to be an extremely well-read storyteller.

Women everyone


seems like she might have some serious health and hygiene issues

these are cries for help


hmmm... doesn't smell like chocolate


doesn't taste like chocolate...


ohhhh now i getit

>figure this is just another Sup Forums meme
>search it up
>it's real

what the fuck do you think flavored condoms are for you mong

>This is real
What the FUCK

fuck man i sharted once during an online match thinking it was a fart but i would never tell anyone

Does this 'fart is actually a shit'-meme actually happen to people?

It seems to be on the same tier of people going 'LOL I ATE "SPICY" FOOD' today

I don't see how it can actually affect people that way



snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes…

thanks for the chuckle

>the person who wrote this will never be slowly tortured to death


Americans have a terrible diet, that's why they have stuff like the Taco Bell -> Diarrhea memes

my favorite part is always
>"Oh I was not expecting that"
I just imagine him mid sentence getting his fucking hair blown back



it happened to me back when pizza was 90% of my diet



Zizek thread?

You forgot to post the corresponding image...


Does she have a fetish for her own asshole or something

>he doesn't shart the mart

In what world is she a "hambeast?"

If this is true then I'm pretty sure half the women in the world taste fish then. Some of the girls I've been with vagina smelled like harbors.

Are these real?

It's poop

is the girl on your picture real?

How incontinent must you be to think that your shit is actually a fart? If it comes out without any trouble, it is either a fart or extreme diarrhea

i don't know

did you get lost on your way to /r9k/?

you unironically have taste buds in your anus and vagina, it's why if you put spicy things up them it hurts

i knew i'd seen this bitch somewhere before

>you unironically have taste buds in your anus and vagina
You unironically don't, you fucking mongoloid.


Why do women think disgust = comedy?

if you told me these tweets were made by an elderly person, I wouldn't know the difference

She is an elderly person. She's 54 years old.

yet still one of the kids

Only in murica

shes 37
childless dumb woman

why do redditors constantly shit themselves and then feel the need to tell the world about it? Sup Forums is full of redditors so please explain yourselves.

Is this a rich person fetish.

Like do the big wall street guys pay girls $10,000 to fart in their faces for an hour

>Like do the big wall street guys pay girls $10,000 to fart in their faces for an hour

Is she, dare I say it, our girl?

>tfw every Felicia Day thread you open it and scroll down hoping to see your meme there

No one "twisted fucking desert horse" here?

>big wall street guys
>big guys
>stock exchange
Absolutely kino tier pottery

It was written by an Australian

This is what I was thinking.

She brings this shit LMAO!! up way too often to just be disgusting at this point, it's now truly bizarre.

Why do aussies post the absolutely best content on this board? Step it up, rest of the world!

Only if your retarded

What did she mean by this?

All these tweets are making me like her more tbqhfam

She looks kinda cute here, but then my mind goes deeper and i start thinking her and i are just sitting there and next minute she farts, and instead of blushing she just stand up bends over with her ass in my face and goes "hey user sniff this" which is just vile. Then she yells 'LOL this is why i have spares" saying L o L of course, separate letters whatever that is called. Then she goes and changes and as shes walking past to the laundry to drop off her shit covered pants she throws them at me yelling "Poopy pants LMAO" and thats it, im sitting there now with shit covered pants on me. covered in this woman faecal matter.

And then of course id imagin if you ever did anal she would try her hardest to shit at the same time, give you a shit covered dick, and then she'd turn around "*sniff* thats not chocolate, but it IS organic LOL"


get back in the coffin James

this might be my least favourite meme ever

I think she has a scat fetish.