ITT We cast Denis Villeneuve's Dune


Daisy Ridley as the sandworm

Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllemhall, Amy Adams, Forrest Whitaker



Sorry, friend, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. Is that an abbreviation for something, friend? Remember, friend, we're all friends, here!

all female cast?

Duncan Idaho

Why Hollywood Jews are bending over for this French-Canadian?

If you've read the book: God Emperor of Dune; God Leto has an army entirely of females because he doesn't trust males with their sexual lust and prefers females.

>women on the battlefield won't become horny like the males did during the battle of Vietnam when they sexually abused Vietnamese girls

I am surprised they are not going to adapt that book.

Same reason everyone is. He's so hot, right now. He's literally the only man on Earth who'll be able to pull off the sequel to Blade Runner.

Denis Villeneuve is your god.

Kino confirmed then?

The French are always obsessed with weird artistic art so that means we may get an awesome adaption (hopefully similar to Jodorowsky's).

>artistic art
hmm, really activates my almonds

Paul Atreides

Jason Momoa as Gurney

>Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV

Can we make Trump have a cameo as the Padishah Emperor?

Not bad. Paul should probably be an unknown though.

Laura Dern as Lady Jessica

Sofia Boutella for Chani

Since Sofia is amazing at acrobatics, they could come up with some cool fights for her or something. She definitely deserves to be part of the Dune movie

I can definitely see Oscar Isaac in this movie. Who would he play?

Maybe the planetologist Dr. Kynes.

that's a pretty gross oversimplification as to why leto has an all-female army.

it's only partially due to the difference in nature of male and female libido. the main driver is that men are wired by nature to fight external threats and lacking one turn their violence inward to the detriment of society.

Who should play Alia? Both and movie Alia gave me the creeps.

My point is that this book could easily be adapted nowadays due to the medias thoughts on feminism

Piter de Vries

Count Fenring

Did the Baron have a skin condition in the book like he did in the Lynch one? I forgot. I think Lynch made that up

Superior series coming through

>Princess Irulan

Would this work?

Cara could relate to her very well, both being rich kids from rich families and they could write her as arrogant (depending if they want Irulan to have a big role like in the mini series).

Would he be better as Paul's father?

Duncan Idaho

Could also play Feyd. He basically played him in Robin Hood.

The problem is Irulan is beautiful

How about go crazy and make Sean Bean Leto: Paul's father?

Dune's first half of the first book is literally Game of Thrones season 1 and so it will mirror what happens to Sean Bean's fate as Ned Stark.

He just played that role in Rogue One. He shouldn't repeat himself.

>not finding Cara beautiful
She is in the unique sense and we don't want any generate usual "Beautiful princess".

She'd be perfect as an arrogant selfish rich princess

As an actor I don't like these threads. So little thought actually goes into them.

Yeah you picked out some people who resemble what we imagine the characters look like. If you were a casting director, less than 1% of your job would be done. You're not even done with the first step.

First, you have to collect a massive group of actors for each role. How many? 5? 50? You'll need agencies to submit their top 5. There are over 100 agencies in LA alone, that's discounting the rest of the world. Once you have your 200ish actors PER ROLE you can start doing your job.

That means watching 200ish auditions. Looking like the character doesn't mean they can act. It also doesn't mean they "get" the character. You have to weed out probably about 60-80% and the rest get callbacks.

Time for round 2. Weed out some more. Got your top 5 yet? I hope so because now you get to show these to the director. Be sure to point out your favorite.

But don't tell the actor yet because you don't know how these actors are going to work together.

Then you get to tell them, and hopefully everyone is available. Oh, and hopefully they're cool with the budget too. If your budget is around 60 million a season, you might find that you don't have the budget for big names. Tom Cruise probably won't play Paul Atreides. Jennifer Lawrence probably won't play Gurney Halleck.

That doesn't mean your cast is gonna be bad. Most actors can act if you give them good writing and enough time to prepare.

The point I'm trying to make is you might as well go to shutterstock for all the thought that goes into these, especially when compared to how much thought actually goes into real casting. What you should really be dreaming about is your dream casting agency, or your dream special effects studio.

I know, I know. I'm the killjoy. I'm sorry. These threads have been pretty popular lately though and it's been grating on me. I'll leave everyone to their fun now.

Udo Kier MUST play a Harkonnen

Even if you have to make up a character, I want him there. He has a great sinister presence when it comes to high power.


What about Cara?

I literally listed why she would be perfect if they re-wrote Irulan to be a selfish princess and as we know, Cara is known to be selfish in a way due to coming from a rich family and getting things easy in her life, just as a princess does so she would be perfect to be cast in that role.

I think thought does go into these threads when you state why you think they would be perfect for certain roles.

Yeah she looks fine.

But Denis Villeneuve makes real movies not capeshit so you need actors who can actually act.

>Tom Cruise probably won't play Paul Atreides. Jennifer Lawrence probably won't play Gurney Halleck.
I don't think anyone hear wants famous celebs like them to be in this movie.

Keep it to indie raw talent with some big names for side characters.

Jennifer Lawrence doesn't fit in Dune at all anyway.

>But Denis Villeneuve makes real movies not capeshit
So did Christopher Nolan and then he cast a One Direction singer as a lead role in Dunkirk.

Anything is possible when it comes to director's deciding actors.

A shame Jake Lloyd (young Anakin actor) was arrested and now he is being treated for mental illness.

He would have been perfect as Feyd.

Villeneuve is different, he will never do capeshit or cheap action movies.

This God of an actor as the Baron.

Who said the Baron had to be fat? They could always make him different and by far: this actor as we all know can play some pretty fucking insane characters so just imagine him as the Baron, screaming at everything?

PURE PERFECTION and it would be the performance of the decade.

I was expecting Quentin Tarantino.

Come to think of it, QT would make a pretty good Baron too.

>Come to think of it, QT would make a pretty good Baron too.
I agree as well

she is a terrible actress

Ryan gosling as Paul Atreides
Jake Gyllanhal as Duncan idaho
Benicio del Toro as Shaddam lV
Emily Blunt as Lady Jessica
Amy adams as princess irulan

Cinematography by Roger Deakins of course

Not when her body isn't CGI. I liked her in her first Enchantress costume but the CGI body was awful.

What the fuck was David Ayer thinking..

It's gonna be a trilogy?

>Ryan gosling as Paul Atreides
Worst casting choice.

Ryan is a good actor when it comes to artistic light hearted movies but Paul needs more of a dramatic muscular actor.

Did anyone really imagine at all this guy becoming such hot shit before his recent string of hits? I remember seeing Incendies and being blown away, for its gritty visual aesthetics which at times seemed ripped from grimdark anime, but definitely didn't think his style would achieve this level of popularity. Maybe a testament to the times, and a sign that big-budget films might be heading back toward the 70s and 90s edge without being all dark and grey

>dramatic muscular actor

Paul literally skinny 15 year old.

I'm cool with this. Nice pic user.

Gerard Butler as Stilgar.

Played him in the original.

Literally perfect.


>Who said the Baron had to be fat?

The book, you illiterate fuck.

Daniel Day Lewis as Duke Leto Atreides.

Unfilmable. I love the entire Solar Cycle, but you couldn't properly adapt them to film, especially since The Book of the New Sun is entirely suggestive in its descriptions. Also allot would be lost without the prose, and they'd have to narrarate the whole thing if they even cared about stylistic consistency.

I want someone who looks like Aidan Turner but isn't made of Cardboard for Paul
And then old Oscar Isaac for Leto.
Failing that, Liam Neeson as Shaddam and Ralph Fiennes as Leto or maybe switch them.

Boyd Holbrook as Feyd Rautha
Rutger Hauer as the Baron
Benicio Del Toro as Liet Kynes

Maybe predictable, but Asa Butterfield as Paul.

Baron Harkonnen

Asa can't act for shit desu.

He was terrible in Ender's Game.

I would say Kodi smith would be better because he is actually a decent actor, but his turn so ugly and Paul is supposes to be handsome.

He good in other things - Ender's Game was a train wreck in general.
