So she's just dead?

So she's just dead?

What the fuck?

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normie detected

normies hated Susan dying

Who gives a shit she was holding George back

Bad writing. The later seasons are such trash.

Literally, who was in the wrong here?
>George was being frugal with inexpensive letters
>Susan doesn't realize just how sick she is getting and go lie down

no they aren't

Bad post. Newfags are such trash.

Nobody uses their tongues to lick envelopes. My parents used these in the mid 1980's when mailing their manifesto en masse.

When I was a kid I loved the taste of envelope glue, so I would always lick envelopes for my mom. I also ate Starburst in the wrapper and stabbed grasshoppers with pineneedles so take that as you will.

>not using your own god-given saliva
>using manufactured (GODLESS) saliva instead
You and your parents and anyone else who does this is a cuck.

It was time for the summer of George.

jason alexander explains it pretty well why it all happened

that wasn't until the next summer

Susan a qt

I like to think she lives comfortably off the seinfeld royalties, she was in 15% of episodes

>when mailing their manifesto en masse.
Did they get caught before they got around to actually blowing any federal buildings up?

Wow. She seems like an incredibly sweet person.

She almost talks like her hymen is still intact

It was mostly warnings of the end of the world to people on a church mailing list. Talk about moving the goalpost, they would doomspeak about 1995, 1999/Y2K, and even recently 2012.

fucking weak Tbh

I'm glad the channel seems inactive

she wouldn't deserve the trolling this could cause

I'd actually pay her to tell some behind the scene stories

licking envelopes is a strange custom in society when you think about it

>Talk about moving the goalpost, they would doomspeak about 1995, 1999/Y2K, and even recently 2012.

what is the hot year now

I just want to cuddle her

It was either her or independent George

Is anyone here old enough to remember the reaction to this at the time?

Susan's death is great writing and very much in tone with Seinfeld's "no hugs, no lessons" credo. Putting George in a relationship was good for a few yuks but it shouldn't have lasted longer than a few episodes.

She also fucked with the group dynamic just by being around. Unlike, say, Putty, she had no comedic timing or screen presence. She was just there to nag.

putty was fucking trash

I just had dinner with them the other night. They seem much more mellow. They used to be young earth creationists but now accept a more rational view on evolution (not even an intelligent design approach). I think they're legitimately upset they'll die before the world ends.


Part of my job used to be printing out pre written letters to clients. The secretaries job was to fold and seal them in envelopes. She fucking licked every single letter to seal them. I even gave her a glue stick but she said she preferred to lick them instead.

He just discovered this.
How is that normie?
Shut the fuck up, you meme spouting autist

This. I'm surprised more people don't realize this. The last season was almost unwatchable

That's pretty erotic, tell us more about this young lady.

kys yourself samefag

>She also fucked with the group dynamic just by being around. Unlike, say, Putty, she had no comedic timing or screen presence.

see >she was cast because she resembled an nbc employee
>larry had george propose to her because they had no onscreen chemistry
>they decided to end the character after the pool guy when the rest of the cast found her hard to act with too
it's pretty smart how of all the women they had her be the one george tried to marry

in an english class read an article had the author mentioning how george was being manic again

I understood that reference.

The last season was fine, surprised it went so well without Larry David, the finale wasn't very good though.

she was so cutie , exactly looked like my ex girlfriend to be honest .

i never liked her, didn't like her on season 4 didn't like her on season 7.

You don't even know what samefag is, you dumb redditor.

>Don't mess with the Devils, buddy. We're number one, we beat anybody! We're the Devils! The Devils! (hissing sounds)

It was mostly bad, but there were a couple god tier episodes. Festivus was in the last season

>kys samefag xDDD

You first

its cause they didnt like the actress

She touted herself as a pretty firm believer in God. She was very active in her church, I think got a degree in Theology. Yet she wore pretty damn revealing clothing. Lot of cleavage. I think she had problems with directions. She could never figure out the office layout. Like sometimes she'd accidentally walk into the men's restroom when I was in there. Really trivial stuff like that. Sometimes she'd forget to button one of the buttons of her blouse. Must have been scatterbrained.

her dropping dead and everyone instantly moving on is fantastic and it fit perfectly because it was obvious no one liked her.

the ep with george dragging her parents around the woods was better than anything she ever contributed.

She ruined the Summer of George


Sounds like she wanted your dick famm.

larry left at this episode, the last two ones were missing something without him

seinfeld was written in a weird way
>writers would tell a funny story about themselves to the writers
>jerry and mostly larry would write the script
>writer who told the story would get the credit

when larry left there was more of an actual collaboration by the writers, they also would shoehorn in a plot for every character

Nah she had a boyfriend. She would always talk to me about him and how they fight all the time. For whatever reason she would confide in me that they weren't intimate anymore and that she wanted to break up with him.

she obviously wanted you and you have autism

Holy shit you're stupid

I can't tell if you're being serious.

Eating them in the wrapper made them last longer

Festivus episode has a GOAT Frank moment:

>Kruger, you couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe...
>I lost my train of thought.

Apparently the rest of the cast disliked her because she had no sense of humour.

But they would still accept a racist like Kramer?

Disgusting behavior.

>falling for the most obvious bait in the world

newfags pls go

Quit memeing.

>GOAT Frank moment
You mean
Frank: Who put you up to this, was it her?
Elaine: All right. Wait a minute. I think you've got it backwards.
Frank: My George isn't clever enough to hatch a scheme like this.
Elaine: You got that right.
Frank: What the hell does that mean?
Elaine: It means whatever the hell you want it to mean.
Frank: You sayin' you want a piece of me?
Elaine: I could drop you like a bag of dirt.
Frank: You wanna piece of me? You got it!

>tfw I know the bloopers of this scene more than the actual scene
Well at least the DVDs were good for something

Fuck you

>You sayin'... you wanna piece of me?

Jerry Stiller's delivery is one of the funniest fucking things in the world to me. He made King of Queens worth watching. He's a national treasure.

I also like Ben Stiller and hope that as he gets older he becomes more and more like his dad in comedic talent and mannerisms.


Now you post on Sup Forums. It's pottery.

>yeah, but he didn't sleep with both of em

can't bury the jerry

They said the show did not teached lessons yet they get prison for something stupid. The ending was terrible.

Gene was trash.

>show has generated $3.1 billion since entering syndication
>one of the most integral supporting characters is forced to camwhore to make ends meet

oy vey

How can he be racist if he is a kike?

So when do we get this in true 16:9 on bluray?

Will there ever be a BluRay release?

>tfw you break character and michael richards gives you a dressing down and beats you

the blonde in that scene is so fucking sexy

Putty was brilliant.

>say line wrong
>wake up tied down with a fork up your ass

holy shit is this a /LIT/ reference? XD

My buddy just quoted this today. Make me kek to beat the band. such a great Frank moment.

He had such great comedic timing

T. Millenial

>in an english class read an article had the author mentioning how george was being manic again
In what kind of english class do you read Seinfeld analysis and where can I sign up?

El Diabo...

That's not a lesson, it's an ironic ending. They repeat the same conversation they have in the pilot episode, proving that they have literally learned nothing.

This is objectively the best scene in Seinfeld.

>tfw great lines got cut


How does George land such qt's? Like seriously, this one here is a 11/10 on the qt scale.

I posted it in thad thread about jessi from redlettermedia and made a bit of a (you)train from it.
not alot of people here knew of that before

Another of my favorites but often overlooked is:

>I feel a draft. Let's change tables.

>Get outta here, we got a booth.

>Frank, I'm cold!

>Order a hot dish.

Easy, he's a bad boy.

Michael Richards makes these bloopers hard to watch. I get he put in the most work physically for the comedy but he doesn't have to act like such a prick about it.

the hissing sounds were so unexpected

Estelle is underrated.

>So what if they have a lobster? Suddenly you're a shellfish connoisseur?

he's not being a prick, he's trying to avoid falling into the trap of cracking up because it becomes really hard to stop

>bad boy
>bad goy

Fixed that for you Schlomo.

>it's a Kramer becomes a hipster episode

I can understand people disliking the finale if they had been watching it for years, and it turned out to be a somewhat mediocre episode.

As someone who never watched the show live though, I didn't have any issues with it. I wouldn't consider it one of the best episodes, but it was not that bad. Mediocre I guess, but it was a reasonable finale that felt in line with the rest of the show entirely. Seinfeld wasn't a show that needed some kind of spectacular show off finale where the characters move on with their lives, or become better people or something, I thought the ending was a good fitting for the character's progression, or lack thereof, throughout the series. Larry gets way too much shit for it t.b.h.

Then again, it's easy to say that in hindsight, never being a true fan watching it for years.

how many cats have you skinned recently?


george was an idiot
she was fucking rich, after marriage he would never have had to work

This scene is the greatest pleb filter in the history of sitcoms

Lol get off the internet gramps