Liberals BTFO

Liberals BTFO.

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literally nothing wrong with being liberal

>Hollywood portraying white men as heroes
>The brown men are the bad guys

Alert me when something realistic is released.

Not if you're a liberal in the classical sense.


It's only the regressive/pc/sjw types I hate. Liberalism used to be good, but now it's a ducking joke full of identity politics garbage

based marky mark

Because Islam is the religion of peace am i rite?


That's the only kind of Liberalism. Anything that the left/right politicos try to convince you otherwise is lies.

Remember that left/right politics are a spook and that only Liberalism is the centrist view, the least political one.


>B- grade

I guess if you set your standards low enough.

An average 7.1 rating is pretty meh. Plus critics agree the movie is pretty much exploiting a recent tradegy for cash. Plus, WTF has being a liberal go to do with anything?

Berlin just had a terrorist attack done by a brown man. Brown men are committing most of the terrorist attacks in recent history.


Zogbots Day

>ignoring the fact that modern conservatism is the real joke
There's a reason people make fun of conservatives. Literally all right wing policies consist of:
>white people good
>non-white people bad
>homosexuality bad
>science is fake and a conspiracy LAWL
>lets make the rich richer
I'll never understand (unless in extreme circumstances) why your average person votes right.

Well they can make fun of us all they want because at this point the red republican shaft is bumping their esophagus.

Is there any example of liberals freaking out over this movie beyond fringe blogs or w/e?

I saw much more backlash over much less in Rogue One, with the "alt-right" claiming it was white genocide

>I get all my information about conservatives from tumblr and Facebook

say it with me
uneducated voters

Isn't Patriot Day 9/11?

didn't one of the guys responsible get killed in jail and the other had a "throat injury" so he can never speak again?

Also all of this is just wrong.
Republicanism sucks but the trump movement is great. Focusing on American problems, leaving the Middle East the fuck alone, tax breaks for all and less frivolous spending.

why is mark so based

There's very little difference between a SJW and your traditional racist. They both think of minorities as being inferior, the difference is SJWs treat minorities like an endangered species, your traditional racist treats minorities like an invasive species.

Socioeconomic status does correlate with race, but correlation is not causation. SJWs, being the shallow fuckers they are, don't bother to try to understand the causes. If they really cared about helping people instead of whining and virtue signaling they would be working to improve the educational system and reform the criminal justice system.

I think you may have posted the wrong image.

Also wanted to point out that Hitler was a Zionist who's grandfather was a Rothschild and who wanted to make a secular Jewish state in Israel, while immediately after WWII, the Nazis injected themselves into the US government.

Hmm, maybe Hitler killed himself so that the Russians wouldn't get that information out of him...

>tax breaks for all
>trillion dollar infrastructure plan
Trump only sounds good. Things are gonna get worse

I voted for Trump just to see fedora tipping faggots like
sperg out.

I'm a liberal & not even caring about this movie, so no one wins. OP, you tried.

I just wanted to talk about the movie

>I ruined America because I'm insecure and a retard

>white people good
Almost everything everyone uses. White people invented. Too bad we didn't invent peanut butter. We really missed the mark on that one.

>non-white people bad

>homosexuality bad
Considering it destroys national unity and is being pushed on children is it a terrible thing.

>science is fake and a conspiracy LAWL
I love reading two headlines saying wine is good for me and another saying wine will make my penis fall off and turn me gay.

>lets make the rich richer
You'd rather have the poor poorer - provided the rich were poorer than everyone making more money.

>isn't even president
>America is somehow ruined

No the nigger already did that by trashing most of our established culture and letting niggers destroy the inner cities because a criminal got shot.

Neocon richfag detected.

>ruined America

You mean saved it, cuckboi LMAO

>leftists being overly melodramatic


the reason i say shit like that is because i always end up being right

That's social justice warriors, i.e. left wing extremists. Normal liberalism isn't like that.

>Taking the bait

Holy fuck Sup Forums and Sup Forums really are fucking retarded.

Too soon should just have done a documentary

man Marky Mark is so goddamn handsome

So how the fuck did you fuck become right wing nuts so young?

If you tell its globalisation, thats a right wing thing.

What bait? The user was right.




I used to be liberal but since feminazis and sjws are the new liberal, I'm considered "alt right".

They're trying to be edgy and counter culture.

Soon it'll shift back to them becoming what the Left has been and the Left becoming them.

>i-if you elect Clinton, it'll be WW3!
>Trump is already starting a nuclear arms race

No you're a liberal. those people aren't liberals.

Liberalism was never good. Give me one beneficial liberal policy.

You're fucking retarded if you think a country is gonna start a world war when there's nuclear bombs in play.

They well know it'd be the end of the world.

>giving a shit about these people
morons are gonna moron. Stop letting them influence your beliefs into real-world problems.

I swear, neo-reactionaries are just as bad, if not worse, than SJWs these days.

free trade, apparently conservatives are for protectionism now while liberals want free trade

we already had more than enough nuclear arms for that beforehand, so you're just calling people who said WW3 would happen under Clinton retarded

Liberalism isn't even a left-wing ideology.

Also I'd like to point out a revelation I had: Gun control is a conservative policy.

Think about it: before the American Revolution, it was status quo (conservative) that the general public were not in possession of firearms, only militia had that authority. Also keep in mind that this was when Catholicism dominated Europe (also remember that Catholicism was a satanic sect disguised as Christianity which may have not involved the (((Pharisees)))*).

But the English Bill of Rights gave Protestants the right to bear arms, and many elements of this bill transitioned into the American Bill of Rights, which adopts the very LIBERAL (since it's all about Liberty, which itself comes from a word meaning 'freedom') policy of allowing all citizens the right to bear arms.

The idea of Gun Control seems to be a way of getting back to the conservative status quo (even the color blue, for the Democratic party, is symbolic of conservatism, even the Democons were the ones who started the modern Neocon movement, plus the Democrats were known as the party for the "white man" pre-Civil War).

What do you guys think?

*Also racism seems to okay as long as they get muh Israel, a, what a surprise, fascist state

Not true. Liberals also want protectionism, Bernie Sanders played a big role on that for the left while Trump did for the Right.

except liberals chose Clinton as their representative

I didn't post the wrong image. Trump is a good goy.

And hitler was the biggest "muh palestine" guy ever.

Oh fuck off

Liberalism is a left-wing ideology, unless you mean classical liberalism.

It goes like this:

Most Liberal to most Conservative:

Ultra Left (Sjws)
Far Left (Progressives/Bernie Sanders camp) - Centre Left (Obama, most liberals)
Centre (Hillary Clinton and Moderates)
Centre Right (Mitt Romney, Jeb! and most Republicans)
Far Right (Sup Forums)
Ultra Right (KKK, White nationalists)

Free trade is the result of less government intervention, not more. Don't cite Trump's intentions as reflection of true conservative values--some of his plans are not in line with conservatism.

No the DNC did.

And Clinton was forced to say she wasn't going for the TPP anymore because the Liberals have become more protectionist.

All politics are the fucking same.

>Hillary Clinton

>liberals control the reviews
>but if they hate this why did it get good reviews!?!?

>oh wait we're just memeing retards

except conservatives chose Trump as their representative

Most free trade agreements nowadays are also directly negotiated and implemented by governments, they aren't just "lol less government intervention"

actually no, Democrats chose Clinton. Sanders was also a garbage candidate like Trump. Fuck, all the candidates were terrible.

Seriously, the lack of real leadership in this country is absolutely astounding.

>Americans discussing politics

How does it feel to be manipulated for 200 years into choosing out of two options that are esentially the same thing?

You people seriously think Clinton is a leftie liberal lmao

The US is fucked

Whenever I say this I get no (You)'s. They're LITERALLY this fucking retarded. And I'm an American too!

George Washington was right when he said we shouldn't have political parties.

Traditional ideas of "conservative" and "liberal" don't really apply to modern economics anymore. This last election, and in fact the political climate of the rest of the world, is about globalism vs. nationalism, not conservatism vs. liberalism.

Globalism and nationalism are spooks and the same thing too because when you're nationalist, you want every country to be just like yours cause you think you're so cool so you might as well be a globalist.

I'm not talking about "rah rah USA" nationalism, I'm talking about economic nationalism.

America died the day JFK was shot

The election has been really eye-opening as to how uninformed most people are (and this is on both sides of the isle). I mean christ, people still parrot the meme that Defense spending makes up the bulk of government spending or that the Iraq War or the NSA are illegal. It's such fucking epic bullshit and people eat it up because this world is filled with nothing but with extremists these days.


That was the moment that really changed the world.

And Sup Forums hates JFK for some reason, and I think I know exactly why.

Conservatism isn't about no government, it's about less government. You missed the point.

Trump's nomination and victory was due to a growing resistance to Obama's supremely anti-american, anti-colonial mindset. His nomination is an outlier in the political field. Also, he did espouse certain policies in line with conservative principled, but he is really a moderate who will teeter the line between left and right.

Good thing we're talking about America and it's influence on the world--not the other way around.

JFK wasn't even that good though. He fucked a lot of shit up, but Johnson, wew, forget about it.

Is being anti-globalism the new edgy? Because it sure has hell seems that way.

Not him but I'd like to say something. I'm anti-globalist and anti-nationalist. I'll be the first and only person to say it.

So yeah its equally edgy to be anti-one-or-the-other-and-not-both.

It's more about what good he would've accomplished if he didn't get shot

Is it? Most people I know who are "anti-globalist" just want jobs.

which is ironic because jobs aren't going away because of globalist policies but rather automation. Globalism is good for the economy and most people. Sure, some people may get the short end of the stick but policies should be about getting the most good out of something, not about edge cases. That isn't to say we should ignore people who are negatively effected by these policies.

>retarded vigilantes tackle an innocent Saudi man
>even though the real bombers were Caucasian

I don't see how this is a film for conservatards.

The NYTimes likes it, though.

Really makes you FUCKING THINK.

Conservakino is here

>there are people who unironically thing SJW's are on the same level as the KKK and Neo-Nazis


Because you end up with fuckheads like Tim Wise and Barbara Spectre calling for white genocide via population replacement

Are you implying that the alt-right isn't a bunch of fringe blogs and twitter posts?
I don't ascribe to this left-right bullshit, but holy shit, the hypocrisy people have when comparing the two is insane.
>Random alt-right twitter posts says that Rogue One is promoting white genocide
>"Man, the right has so much more backlash, the alt right was talking about Rogue One was white genocide!"
>Giant publications state that people who don't like The Ghostbusters 2016 are just racist sexist manbabies
>"Yea, well, that's just some fringe blog, no one cares!"

Like really, do people think they're slick when they do this?
Like we don't notice?

I'm literally shaking

They're not white, they're Irish.

I'm legitimately surprised. The trailers looked like fucking dreck.

Fine, Arab on Arab violence.

There, you faggot.

Hit me up when SJW's start to actually kill white people or try to enslave them.