ITT: post colors, get a movie recommendation

ITT: post colors, get a movie recommendation


You joke, but its honestly a good idea for a movie focussed on the sunrise time period, maybe the movie would start at the end of a party or night out

don't steal my idea


Space Jam

i'm not joking at all, i like high contrast and high saturation



The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

The Kingdom


The entirety of the Bollywood cinema scene.

Ain't them bodies saints

Three Colours: Blue

Chronicles of Riddick



This picture satisfies me deeply. Are there any more like it?




Thief (1981)

Nope. This is the only one.

Spring Breakers

Neon Demon

the grand budapest hotel

life aquatic with steve zissou

Top half: Star Wars Episode II
Bottom Half: The Color Purple

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson



disregard all other responses, this is Punch Drunk Love

the grey

I bet you enjoy the films of PT Anderson

holy shit this thread is giving me so much to watch

how about pic related? hard mode: no tron

Slim Hungarian Takes Fat Dick by

Neon Demon, Only God Forgives, Drive, Enter the Void, Lost River


Moonrise Kingdom

Boys kissing boys

upstream colour



Kill Bill
The Italian Job

What dreams may come. Or whateever that robin williams movie where he and his wife are dead and his son was cuba goodin jr


Bee movie






Drive (2011)





Neverending Story

Deep Throat

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

plane crasher by c.nolan

grand hotel budapest

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

Nobody actually enjoys Wes Anderson films, they're the cinema equivalent of those quirky restaurants people only eat at so they can post pictures on Instagram.

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

Synecdoche, New York

>Tyler hopes the commercial work, and a string of recent music videos he's directed, might lead to more behind-the-camera opportunities. His favorite filmmaker is fellow auteur Wes Anderson, and he says in a few years he'd like to direct his own feature film that he'd also write and score.

Thanks doc

Vanilla Sky

>le Yonkers man
>enjoying the films of Wes Anderson

Gruz 200