
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched

QOTD: what film related gifts are you hoping santa has left in your stocking tomorrow (or this evening if you are fabs)

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wahoo, finished the cult movie challenge for 2016. Roll on 2017

Might watch and review a few more of the TCM underground movies for the final week, currently downloading dirty Mary crazy Larry + ride for devil blu, also got American hippie in Israel and two lane blacktop that I could potentially watch

Think I might watch Die Hard 2 first though

Mezzy christmas /lbg/!!


you too amigo

What's your plans for 2017 lads?

You're minding you business with your girl in the club when Sally Jane Black slaps your girls ass.

What do?

Take gf for disinfection?

Why this aberration continue posting pictures and now trying to look '''sexy'''?

Any of these days, Sammy...

I'm starting to believe in the theory of there being a link between trans identities and autism.

Is Die Hard with a vengeance better than Die Harder?

Missing so much of what made the first film great, if 3 is the same I might just not bother

letterboxd.com/machill54/list/2017-cult-movie-challenge/ is my plan

>Ronald is a quitter

3 is better than 2. it is different than 1. Vengeance is a buddy cop type action movie. It's my favorite.

You wanna try that again, but in English this time?


How is the new Blair witch? Worth watching as something spooky and fun or is it actual complete garbage?

Also, is streetcar named desire good gf-core or no?

Ok I'll watch at some point



Go fuck yourself, machad

>Also, is streetcar named desire good gf-core or no?
Dunno, bro, she might get frothy over young Brando, so it might be worth a shot.

Fuck off.

how long before hair plugs?

it's literally a long-haired man


As a long-haired man your post offended me.


It's an interesting strategy. It's so absurd in itself, making jokes seems preposterous


I figured that even if it is simply too patrician she at least has prime Brando to enjoy.
I don't even really know what it's about

Do they actually think they are sexy or do they just know it triggers us when they say they are?

Cast this cutie in the new Star Wars, /lbg/

It's about a streetcar named desire

I hate myself

>Elf came out 13 years ago



post your fav sjb pics ;)

I made it bros!!!!

what's with the "im a woman fuck you" stuff if you're barely going to try and look like one

Question: what is the difference between the movie count on your homepage and the movie count on your diary?

My main page says 365 but on my diary it says You’ve logged 376 entries during 2016.

What's not included?

It was a leap year you stupid fuck

I still made it!!!

Great. Now work on 2

there shouldnt be any difference. are you sure that you are looking at your 2k16 diary and not your complete diary

I think so, it does say 'during 2016'.

Wonder if it's rewatches or something? Just looked at another profile and there is a similar discrepancy

I don't think I would be able to do 2 per day

Fair sure it's to do with rewatches.

I hope fabs updates us on the kino santa brings

do germans believe in santa?

or some kind of efficient hobgoblin called glubenschantroussengeblieben sneaking into their beds and stealing their chestnuts

What's your go to non-christmas christmas movie, /lbg/?

lel Sinterklaas was started by their neighbors but Germans and Fabs are heathens

le diE hardd!!! ;))

Die Hard

the first ever
who did this?


Praise be upon him.
Without any dispute, /lbg/'s meme of the decade. A name was born for the unwashed masses

it probably is even more used on Sup Forums

That anti-art board is irrelevant


I'd say something like 15% of that was me

damn i remember this

This stuff is like registration dates and post counts in forums.

>implying they too are not insanely badass

is there any greater emotional high than your 1000th forum post

It's a sign of how much free time you have. I can't understand how people have the time to watch 2 movies a day, every day of the year

The effort is much higher, and the rewards supposedly will be too


This. How dare someone have passions. Just do other things like us embryos.

how's it hard to understand?

i have few friends and don't do anything, watching films is very easy

>My passion is spending 4-6 hours a day, every day, watching films (if not more)
>I have no responsibilities such as work, education, or my family to worry about
>You are the embryo though

>watching films is very easy
This. Try reading Hegel, now that's something.

Ive watched three films today, might watch a fourth. Die Hard 3 or should I dig through what films I left at my mums


I know there's nothing difficult about sitting on your ass and looking at a screen for hours.
It's just how is your life so empty that you have time to do it for that long every single day?

Maybe they don't have other hobbies.


fuckin' hell

>4-6 hours
More like 3-4 hours and that time is mostly made up during the weekend. Even if you work 8, sleep 8, leave 1 for eating/getting ready, you have 7 hours a day to do what you want. I don't see why you're so offended someone wants to spend half that time enjoying their hobby. Maybe you should go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums if you hate film so much. Embryo faggot.

>throwing a tantrum because someone else enjoys their hobby

>spends 4 hours watching movies.
>but the others are embryos.
Chill with the cognitive dissonance bruh huh hu

>If you don't spend a majority of your free time watching films rather than doing other things, socialising with your friends, and fulfilling your responsibilities, then you hate films and you're an embryo!

So you're not an adult?

>actually defending the slave adult life and trying to have the moral high ground
I could say kill yourself, but you're already on it

Why do I have to if I enjoy myself and actually get something out of it? Sorry that offends you, embryo.

In my opinion you can spend your time watching movies as you want, whatever amount makes you happiest and you are able to

this argument is dumb

This is the kinda a guy who ends up marrying a single mom

>actually defending living with your parents with no skills and no future

For a second I thought I had a point, until you called me a buzzword insult for the third time.

>bible in 6
>ridiculous overrating of lolita and infinite jest

Everyone has this opinion besides one guy

Classic lapse, embryolord

as if you've read any of those books.

>EMBRYO IS AN EVIL BUZZWORD AD HOMINEM!! But I can call you neet/degenerate/loser all I want
Why do embryos always jump the gun

Quote where I said those any of those words :^)
Stop projecting your insecurities.

as it is nearly Christmas can you please both stop talking about this and instead tell me which is your favourite Christmas movie

Those are extremely popular books

Nice move, faggot

can you faggots stop arguing over nonsense

yuou are ruining the christmas!!

I've not watched a Christmas movie in years, and I'm not the biggest fan of them.
I've seen Miracle on 34th Street about 6 times though, so I'll say that.

>I've not watched a Christmas movie in years, and I'm not the biggest fan of them.

wow what a god damned Scrooge!!! bah humbug!

Why does Ronald often in these situations gets to act like a desperate girl trying to separate the guys fighting? It's so gay

who hurt u

whom hurt u

That's not an answer

yeah ik, it's a question


hell or high water was good but wasn't floored by it like a lot of people seemingly were. The whole 'who are the REAL criminals here- the Damn bankers, or the criminals???' thing was all a bit on the nose. Maybe would have felt a bit differently had I seen in the cinema and it not been my fourth movie of the day.

Die hard 2 made me sad, die hard was so funny and nicely structured and that was all replaced by swearing and surprisingly gratuitous violence (and a completely forgettable villain)
Town that dreaded sundown was a weird movie, fun though (don't forget to check out and subscribe to my review to see more)
elf is elf.

it isn't gay it's heroic and manly

what will synt and his boyfriends do this xmas?

>Why does Ronald often in these situations gets to act like

Kill themselves in a beautiful collective ceremony would be a joyful possibility

merry christmas sir machill45