What films can I watch that will help me cope with my crippling loneliness this Christmas Eve?

What films can I watch that will help me cope with my crippling loneliness this Christmas Eve?

Other urls found in this thread:


Requiem for a dream

Rogue one


Stop posting this thread, faggit.

Home Alone

Oslo, August 31st

jackass wildboyz = great friend simulators/pick me up shows

Get outside, go somewhere and do something man. Even if it's just a walk. Seriously

>Even if it's just a walk. Seriously
people recommend this often but it doesn't help at all
walking in the city alone is depressing as fuck because everything is grey and sad and monotonous, sometimes the architecture only makes you feel shittier

>go for a walk
>see bunch of happy couples
>feel even worse

>go on a walk
>teenagers/young adults scream obscenities and throw shit at me
And I live in the midwest where people claim is supposedly humble...

embrace it. i'd rather be alone on christmas than having to talk with family members i dont know.

Watch this, it'll help

i find drinking and rainbow six siege helps

>go for a walk
>air gives you enough energy to cry
>get even sadder

Where would I go?

The park maaaaaaan. Girls and bros will take you under their wing, duuuuuude.

Lol someone hasnt been to straya

>city is gray and sad
>where would I go
fucking walk around and look at Christmas lights. If there's one day the city isn't gray and sad, it's today
