What are your top 5 favorite albums released in the last 5 years

What are your top 5 favorite albums released in the last 5 years

2013: Deafheaven - Sunbather
2014: Sia - 1000 Forms of Fear
2015: of Montreal - Aureate Gloom
2016: Dream Theater - The Astonishing
2017: King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard

2013: the cabs - regenerative landscape
2014: She Her Her Hers - stereochrome
2015: Pretend - Tapestry'd Life
2016: The Novembers - Hallelujah
2017: Polkadot Stingray - Capacity

2013: Oneohtrix Point Never - R Plus Seven / Autechre - Exai
2014: The Antlers - Familiars / iceage - Plowing Into The Field Of Love
2015: Black Wing - Is Doomed / Hop Along - Painted Shut
2016: Autechre - Exai / Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
2017 - Priests - Nothing Feels Natural & Alex Cameron - Forced Witness
I'm an indecisive person

Queens of the Stone Age - Like Clockwork
Death Grips - Niggaz on the Moon
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly
David Bowie Blackstar/Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
Tyler the Creator - Flower Boy

>Scum Fuck Flowerboy
>Atrocity Exhibiton
>Lil Ugly Mane - Oblivion Access
>Earl Sweatshirt - Solace
>Kanye West - Yeezus

2013: Nigger music
2014: Nigger music
2015: Nigger music
2016: Nigger music
2017: Nigger music

>Dream Theater - The Astonishing
No way.

!. desolate shrine
! Grave ep
! Paradise lost new album
! Deicide did a good album
! Whitney album was plausible
!. Chealsea Woolfe pain is beauty got me
!. I don't mind black men
!. Oblivion Goat Skull Crown
!. ripping souls of sinners, then they turned for the worse

Good question, I only have one that I liked, Tim Hecker Virgins, we get what we pay for

!. David Lynch album ,
!. I dfon't remember 5 years ago


2013: The World is a Beautiful Place... - Whenever, If Ever
2014: Andy Stott - Faith in Strangers
2015: Timbre - Sun & Moon
2016: Black Marble - It's Immaterial
2017: You'll Never Get To Heaven - Images

Young Fathers - Tape Two
Ariel Pink - Pom Pom
Future - DS2
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree
Sun Kil Moon - Common As Light And Love Are Red Valleys Of Blood

you lying bastard

>Carrie and lowell
>Autumn bird songs
Idk,i don't usually catch up with new music

Did you like Benji?

one of these things is not like the others

2013: Postiljonen - Skyer
2014: The Contortionist - Language
2015: Mac DeMarco - Another One
2016: Emma Ruth Rundle - Makred for Death
2017: Alvvays - Antisocialites

5 overall? (Which also happen to be all in my top 10 all time)
Kishi Bashi - Lighght
Kanye West - Yeezus
Tame Impala - Currents
Kishi Bashi - Sonderlust
Disclosure - Settle

If I can only pick one for each year?
2013: Yeezus
2014: Lighght
2015: Currents
2016: Sonderlust
2017: Flying Microntonal Banana (which still makes my top 40 or so)

>Someone else picked Lighght
Fuck yeah man.
Aside from Carrie & Lowell, who are the other 3 albums by?

2013: My Bloody Valentine- mbv
2014: Grouper- Ruins
2015: Kendrick Lamar- To Pimp A Butterfly
2016: Angel Olsen- My Woman
2017: Slowdive- Self titled

2013: CHVRCHES - The Bones of What You Believe
2014: Run The Jewels - RTJ2
2015: Tame Impala - Currents
2016: Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
2017: Brand New - Science Fiction

Listen to A Different Arrangement by Black Marble if you haven't already
It's Immaterial is great but it's got a lot of filler tracks whereas ADA is pretty solid all the way through (and also has MSQ No-Extra which is song of the decade tier)

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers
Ryan Adams - Ryan Adams
Jason Isbell - The Nashville Sound
Sun Kil Moon - Benji
Kanye West - Yeezus

Richard Dawson - Peasant
Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
My Bloody Valentine - m b v
Oneohtrix Point Never - Garden of Delete
Oneohtrix Point Never - R Plus Seven

t. white gay here

Julia Holter - Loud City Noise
Iceage - Plowing Into The Field Of Love
TPAB (not an interesting choice but who gives)
The Drones - Feeling Kinda Free
King Krule - The Ooz

2013: Iceage - You're Nothing
2014: Iceage - Plowing Into the Field of Love
2015: Bjork - Vulnicura
2016: David Bowie - Blackstar
2017: Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up

Diane cluck,Jason molina and Foxing

Guerilla Toss - GT Ultra (2017)
Omar Rodríguez-López - Sworn Virgins (2016)
Clarence Clarity - No Now (2015)
FKA Twigs - LP1 (2014)
Jai Paul - [Unknown leaked album] (2013)

These lists confirm that no good music has been released in the last five years. How long has music been this way? I can't even think of a good album released in the last 20 years. 1990s type Alt Rock needs to have a resurgence so that there will be good music on the radio again!

Årabrot - s/t
Manic Street Preachers - Futurology
Pyogenesis - A Century in the Curse of Time
Katatonia - The Fall of Hearts
Converge - The Dusk in Us

I love Benji but Pom Pom just tops it, for me

I didn't like much of anything in 2015

2013: Tim Hecker - Virgins
2014: Natural Snow Buildings - The Night Country
2015: Giles Corey - Giles Corey // Jamie XX - In Colour
2016: Sun Ra, Merzbow - Strange City // Merzbow & Boris - Gensho
2017: Godflesh - Post Self

2012 - Dying Fetus - Reign Supreme
2013 - Nails - Abandon All Life
2014 - Behemoth - The Satanist
2015 - Cattle Decapitation - Anthropocene Extinction
2016 - Vektor - Terminal Redux
2017 - Archspire - Relentless Mutation

last 5 years were great

To Pimp a Butterfly
To Be Kind
A Moon Shaped Pool
Skeleton Tree

honorable mentions include Blackstar, Sunbather, Atrocity Exhibition, New Bermuda, Death Grips discography, 22 A Million, Hand. Cannot. Erase., The Glowing Man, Tomorrow's Modern Boxes

>last 5 years were great

completely disagree - they have been horrible. decent old artists are releasing lesser material. and there are no decent new scenes to follow.

2017: Feel Your Feelings Fool!
2017: Jam in the Van
2016: Marshmallow World
2016: Seashore
2016: Back in your Head

sunbather, virgins, the satanist, to be kind, common as light and love are the valleys...

Giles Corey came out in 2011 nigga

2013-Endless Fantasy
2014-Niggas on the Moon
2015-Carrie and Lowell
2016-Bottomless Pit
2017-Abysmal year, nothing great aside from Steroids

2013-Endless Fantasy
2014-Niggas on the Moon
2015-Carrie and Lowell
2016-Bottomless Pit (or Ryoseibai)
2017-Abysmal year

2013 : James Ferraro - NYC, Hell 3:00AM (probably my AOTD as well desu)
2014 : Ariel Pink - Pom Pom
2015 : Holly Herndon - Platform
2016 : Autechre - elseq 1-5
2017 : Jlin - Black Origami

2017: Melodrama - Lorde
2016: End Position - Street Sects
2015: Beauty Behind the Madness - The Weeknd
2014: Partly Fiction - Harry Dean Stanton
2013: Exit! - Fire! Orchestra


2013: Jon Hopkins - Immunity
2014: Swans - To Be Kind
2015: Floating Points - Elaenia
2016: Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
2017: Blanck Mass - World Eater

Terminal Redux

Why is hardly anyone answering the question OP asked

1. Loud City Song
2. Atrocity Exhibition
3. The Inheritors
4. Slow Focus
5. m b v

is she the loli version of angel olsen?