Does your average pop artist (Bieber/Rihanna etc.) know of the edgy rock/metal culture, or are they all like

Does your average pop artist (Bieber/Rihanna etc.) know of the edgy rock/metal culture, or are they all like
>"Avenged who?"
>"Alter Bridge? xD what?"
>"Slipknot, aren't they screamo?"

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I don't think this board is for you

shouldn't you be in school

Hi poptimists

Post your taste so that I have a good laugh

I'd rather listen to Rihanna than to your shitty ass nu-meal

Lol pleb

did you stop listening to music in 2012 dude

I wanted to post a pic of Justin Bieber in Metallica shirt, but uploading images does not work for me

Who cares? I wish I didn't know any of these godforsaken bands

idk man I'm just surprised that high schoolers are still listening to the same shitty metal that we listened to when I was in high school like 6 years ago. I figured slipknot and atreyu would've either faded to obscurity or broken up by now

Avenged literally who?

Nothing pleb about Immolation, Gorguts, Augury, Death, Peste Noire or Carcass m'soy.

I thought it was just me, weird. whats an image board with no images

>deaf metal
Yeah i love cookie monster too xD

There is actually. You are definitely a pleb with that entry level shit

this is the most epic thread in a long time

>classics now are synonymous with pleb

who are you quoting?


oh okay


fuck off hipster


ha! got them!

OP has the greatest taste

True. I'd let OP suck my dick any day

I love how hip hop lovers complain about rok and metal when hip hop is even more banal, simplistic and repetitive. And they never fail to appear crying in these kind of threads.

There will always be a space for angry angsty shit. Emo/hardcore isn't aggro/accessible enough. There hasn't been anyone new that does it more effectively than slipknot.

Nobody even brought up Hip Hop until you, dumbass.

Doesn't work for me neither

idk but bieber can shove this down his peen eating mouth. im a music genius retard

The only person to post the artist he would rather listen to said Rihanna. I know they're hip hop lovers because only they would take the time to go to a thread about metal and shitpost.

Breaking Benjamin
August Burns Red

I literally just said Rihanna is a superior musical artist compared to Slipknot or Avenged Sevenfold, I didn't judge the quality of her music and when I named objectively good metal bands that are superior to both you and your Kronies went full retart

I'm not a nu metal or metal fan, I just said what I've been seeing for months. Even thoug mu accepts nu metal kore now. It's almost always hip hop fans the ones that talk shit about it. Like with everything else.

I am just an icon living
I am just an icon living, living
I-I-Icon living (woo)
I am just an icon living, living
I am just an i-i-icon (woo)

>Breaking Benjamin
I have a friend who like this, he's a massive pleb

this is clearly a bait thread though

Go back to your Lady Gaga, kid.

you clearly haven't been to /metal/ then, the difference is that we keep our shit contained unlike the niggers, wiggers and indie children who've been plaguing this board for the past 9 years

>Likes middleschoolcore post-grunge
>has the absolute audacity to talk down to anyone else
Listen here, you massive fucking plebian. Breaking Benjamin had at most one half decent album, and that was Saturate. Everything else they put out, and even Saturate to some extent, was whiny bullshit in league of Three Days Grace and Papa Roach. Fucking neck yourself.

Also, where do you get off assuming people like Lady Gaga of all things? What is this, 2009? How completely out of touch with the current year can you possibly be that Lady Gaga is the most relevant pop artist you can muster? Have you been in a coma for a decade? Is that why you still listen to garbage, and insult people by assuming they listen to washed up pop music?

Oh, and while I'm shitting on you, who the FUCK listens to Staind? God damned emo rednecks. I suppose you thing Five Finger Death Punch "goes hard" too, you colossal, quivering fuckwit. Staind wasn't even relatively good back when people tolerated bullshit post-grunge and half hearted nu-metal with retarded country vocals. You have terrible taste, and I want you to die.

what about black metal

there's definitely a crossover between edgy rock culture and rap going on right now. rap rock will dominate the 2020's, and it'll be a seamless transition instead of just rap verses over shitty groove riffs

I listen to real music made with talent and emotion. Fuck off you effeminate hipster.