mochaeng edition

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that user was not wrong, Dubu looking v good.

Great thread

what else is new

Her name is Kiimstar

I'll trade for your Chinese sister. We can weird have interracial double dates.



no exceptions

so it's mochaeng now huh...

utterly disgusting

1st year cities are hella expensive dude, you would need to live in a 3rd tier city and the quality of the buildings there is pretty low

>tfw your beloved daughter moves away to korea and comes back unable to speak chinese and can't speak korean either and just fucking stares at things looking pretty



Is this Chuu? I'm having problems deciding whether or not I find her cute. Maybe her styling in Heart Attack was weird on her.


Yeah they are. That's why you live in a Tier 2 city.


i don't have a sister but I do have a fat cousin

dat ending

cub left mina for a better jap

so, just like momo with japanese?

How about not fucking renting bang in the centre of the city. I lived in otsuka and paid 1k a month for rent.

>tfw the more I learn mando the worse my English gets.

I'm frequently missing out -ing from the end of verbs now.

That’s not Chuu.

t. Chuu expert

what about this guy?

1k is still expensive tho

I type like this so you know I'm falseflagging.


that's pretty much the ideal across species

Is it because they made it and just stopped trying?

I mean they should be proficient by now.

the language of the dragon requires a lot from you

that is april's naeum, an iljin chuu
this is chuu

I speak english so bad now I swear i come off ESL
still monolingual though, just spend too much time talking to ESL friends

>tfw been to taiwan
now i'm starting to like chewy more and more each day wtf

some bonus baby


Chengy fat?

they probably dont have time to learn korean, they are quite busy
and tzuyu and momo have to learn japanese now

Tzuyu's thighs are the only reason China will not allow Taiwanese independence. Those thighs will belong to a Chinese man

Momo is a native Momo speaker, Japanese is her second language

Naeun is not an iljin.

>and tzuyu and momo have to learn japanese now
i kek'd

Does anyone know of any fansites that don't photoshop their pictures? The only one I knew of hasn't updated since November.

Srs tho how long has Tzuyu lived in Korea and she's not fluent?

You can become fluent in a language in 1-2 years if you live in that country.

she is a hot iljin, so i give her a pass

momo is telepathic

JYP doesn't let her out of his room after they're done touring

lol you can also live their for 10 years and learn nothing

They're 90 IQ girls who live in a bubble what would you expect? Except the boy she's pushing 120 IQ easy


Well it all depends how much you're earning at the end of the day. But for me it was reasonable. Plus the lifestyle in Japan is nicer than China imo

crazy for daisy

Momo speaks four languages

everything you can imagine

japan is cleaner and more organized overall, but shanghai is getting pretty close in terms of quality of life


sure if you like 8 hour shifts with 2 hour overtime without overtime pay because you're just expected to

t. EYK

i read that you never actually forget a language, it just goes dormant. then if you return to that country, within a few weeks it should all come back


so you're saying i might be able to speak english again if I leave my house?

this explains why even after leaving this site for a few months i pick the autism back up lickety split

>10 hours shifts
add 6 hours there ma boi

They’re so damn annoying and fake. Simon went bald and his wife is dying.

friendly reminder it's not too late to pick up gugudan

4 years of spanish, 2 years of german
can't hold a conversation for shit

well, i cant remember a word of german

word they're gonna slay

more like nugudan hahahahahah

maybe, i like that kang girl

>all those vloggers who move to Japan (and now Korea) only to interact with other English-speaking vloggers


You can tell that EYK is miserable

Yeah that's how people wake up from comas speaking another language. They previously learnt the language but mostly forgot it. There as a case of an Australian guy who awoke from a coma, first thing he saw was a chinese nurse so he started speaking chinese from when he learned in school. He had to relearn English.

I'm waiting for them to deliver another title track like A Girl Like Me.

Are any of their B-sides worth listening to? The rest of Narcissus wasn't really that good.

is that a dildo?

the problem is not falling for the expat bubble, if you manage this you can learn naturally



I met a 50 year old foreigner in China that had lived there for 15 years, has a Chinese wife and hapa son. And didn't speak any Mandarin.

I don't know how you can even function like that for 15 years. I was only there on vacation and I needed to speak Mandarin.


i actually like them, but yeah martina have to deal with depression and of course this is a heavy burden

he took his wife out with him everywhere and made her speak to people
sexpats are whack

there are lots of foreigners in canada who never bother to learn english if they come here later on. it's daunting learning a language, especially if the languages aren't related


this bitch doesn't deserve Jun. He's literally a fucking shoujo manga's main love interest and she's a hook nosed cracker

whats the expat bubble

I wanna speak the language of love with dubu...


They have to go back

Is this the guy who cooks Japanese food with his cats?

>He's literally a fucking shoujo manga's main love interest
wwww! it's funny cos he really could be one of those type

pretty much expats just haging out with other expats, there are place like bars, markets and even parties so you never have to deal with locals

Only interacting with people who are also immigrants and speak the same language as you, making it so you never want to interact with locals and make it easier to pick up the language.

Expats in this case being Western English speakers in Japan and Korea.


You know how like there's China towns in the west? Well they have westerner towns in China.

Oh My Girl's last possible opportunity before Sunmi sweeps trophies is tommorow. Pray for them.