This is the best alt rock album of the 2000's

This is the best alt rock album of the 2000's

If there wasn't so much filler on it, I would agree, but By the Way is better as it stands.

By the Way is too whiny
Also what filler?

It's the most ambitious, grandiose and epic RHCP album by far. But By the Way is much more humanistic. They're both easily above a 9/10, however.

>implying Hump De Bump is not a filler song

It's not bad though
Pretty funky

Not the best alt rock album of the 2000s, but definitely emblematic of 2000s rock and RHCP's best
Nah none of it is filler
Nah fruaciante kills on it
No its not
Like this guy said it's funky

RHCP never topped BSSM, but I agree Stadium Arcadium is a solid album, altough there's some fat that could be trimmed

Also, holy shit, what an awful cover, what the hell

I fucking love RHCP and this album is pretty disappointing IMO. Pales in comparison to everything else they did with John. There's nothing on it they hadn't already done better on BSSM, Californication or BTW and what new ground they broke on this one wasn't interesting. Ooh boy, John finally gave in to massive studio overdubs and big rawk guitar tones again. Oooh boy, this song was influenced by this artist, this song was influenced by that artist! Dull.

It was really a bummer coming on the heels of BTW too since that album really showed them branching out and experimenting in interesting ways. Stuff like Dosed, Warm Tape, Midnight, Venice Queen all showed immense promise. Instead we get fucking Hard to Concentrate and Make You Feel Better.

My two favorite Pepper albums are their two most recent, I'm With You and The Getaway. I might be the only person with this opinion.

You should listen to the b-side album they released after im with you, its caled im beside you
Its better than iwy imo, a lot of the songs are not what you would usually hear from them though

Pleb filter

>Death of a Martian
>Storm in a Teacup
>Especially in Michigan
>We Believe
>Turn It Again
Definition of filler right here.

Death of a martian and Especially in Michigan are not filler

This, these are actually one of my favourites of this album. Agreed on the rest though. Charlie and Warlocks are pretty filler as well

Quick, Sup Forums. You need to cut this album in half. What's your new track listing?

>Dani California
>Snow (Hey Oh)
>Stadium Arcadium
>Hump The Bump
>Slow Cheetah
>Torture Me
>Especially In Michigan
>Wet Sand
>Desecration Smile
>C'mon Girl
>Hard To Concentrate
>Animal Bar
>So Much I
>Death Of A Martian

>Slow Cheetah
Completely forgot about this track, easily the best one on the album and one of the best they've ever done.

Dani California
Stadium Arcadium
Hump De Bump
She's Only 18
Slow Cheetah
Torture Me
Strip My Mind
Especially in Michigan
Wet Sand
Desecration Smile
Tell me Baby
21st Century
She looks to me
Death of a Martian

Snow (Hey Oh)
Stadium Arcadium
She's Only 18
Slow Cheetah
Especially in Michigan
Wet Sand
Desecration Smile
Tell Me Baby
21st Century
Make You Feel Better
Animal Bar
Death of a Martian

dude, Hey is the best song on the album hands down, smoke a doobie sit back and wait until the sexiest frusciante solo you've ever heard comes in your ears

Meh. It's okay, but there are definitely better ones. All in all it's a matter of personal taste, but it's definitely not an objectively best one in any way.

*delete all songs*
Now it's good

>Dani California
>Snow (Hey Oh)
>Slow Cheetah
>Torture Me
>Especially In Michigan
>Wet Sand
>Desecration Smile
>Death Of A Martian
Plus any other five

>Sup Forums unionically loves the red hot chili peppers
>Sup Forums unironically hates everything U2 has ever put out

>all these plebs not recognizing one hot minute as their best

>Sup Forums unironically hates everything U2 has ever put out
Idk.But i've seen anons here like early U2 albums

It's really more because bono is a cunt and their music is bland and derivative after their first album or two

I hated that album so much when it came out

Hey is one of the best songs on the album dude what are you talking about

I'd argue that Californication managed to retain the quality of BSSM. Californication was the breath of fresh air for RHCP, as they aspired, and successfully delivered, to make a melodic, summery and awe-inspiring rock record. Brimming with life and optimism as a contrast from the bleak, cynical atmosphere of One Hot Minute, the Peppers, with a revitalized Frusciante, created a swan song, or swan album, of the 90s, with a sense of hope for the future. Some of the somberly tracks like Otherside, Emit Remmus and Scar Tissue were mature reflections on the past, while hits like the titular Californication exposed the ironic poignancy of fame as a mere charade of tragedy and disappointment. Along with epics like Parallel Universe, Around the World and This Velvet Glove, Californication not only brought RHCP back into the limelight, but also produced a plethora of the greatest songs of the 90s.

over the years hey has grown to be my favourite song on the album other than wet sand.

dude what...
what do can you find interesting about them?

Nice Scaruffi copypaste.

cut it down to these 12 tracks and you have a good album.

Torture Me
Wet Sand
21st Century
Make You Feel Better
Animal Bar
Dani California
Strip My Mind
Desecration Smile

trimmed stadium is an 8, the album as a whole is a 5.

nah man charlie is a great and catchy song. it's no masterpiece but come on it's not bad

>two full hours of what boils down to the same sounds being played twice over at the least

I love it to death, but to call it the best of anything is a big stretch. Then again, the 00s weren't offering a lot.

I can fully agree with this.

Literally the best songs on the album

like, what do you like from it? fucking Dani California and Snow?

1. Dani California
2. Snow (Hey Oh)
3. Charlie
4. Stadium Arcadium
5. Hump de Bump
6. She's Only 18
7. Slow Cheetah
8. Torture Me
9. Warlocks
10. Hey
11. Desecration Smile
12. Tell Me Baby
13. Hard to Concentrate
14. Wet Sand

There you go. Only change in the tracklist is that Wet Sand becomes the closer.


Hey is the best solo. So glad someone said it. The most impressive guitar talk Frusciante has put to record