If only all math rock sounded like this

If only all math rock sounded like this

This Town Needs Gun is better.

Today's active lifestyles > Exploded drawing

The monsoon bassoon,Long fin killie's valentino and Adebisi shank's EP are way better


What's wrong user?

>Adebisi shank's EP
I listened to this the other day and found it pretty dull

Not for me

If only all shoegaze sounded like this.

Then it would fucking sucks

Hella perfected math rock

No they're not

No it's giraffes giraffes

>Yeah, I'm really into experimental music. Death Grips, Death Grips, the list goes on...

t. Only knows Hella from Death Grips

>math rock

anyway pic related is the best math rock album

fucking jewgle and their captchas

this is objectively correct

I remember years ago when More Skin With Milk-mouth was sub Sup Forums-core and posted daily. Good times

the yellow one is even better bro

Polvo is essential the first track is always the best-core
