Using a crosley

>using a crosley
Considering upgrading to this today, but I wanted to see Sup Forums's opinion on Audio-Technigga

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its alright

I used to have a pretty old one and it was pretty good up until it just stopped working :(

deez nutsd lol

Now that you've surpassed the level of a teenage girl on Tumblr who likes Rupi Kaur, The 1975 / Arctic Monkeys / Halsey / Coldplay and so on, you've decided to invest in an affordable and frugal record player.

I have that particular machine. I don't rec or not rec it, but I'll say vinyl is only something you do if you have ALL the money. You need a decent amp, needle, cartridge, pair of speakers. I like the LP120 insofar as I wouldn't want to break the bank over record collecting. It's well made.

I have the JBL 2328p dual monitors they are in tolerable shape one of them needs a replacement for the foam around the woofer
>got em at a thrift store for about 50 bucks

Is the lp60 going to fuck up my records? I want to buy one, because the lp120 is expensive as fuck.

>getting a modern turntable
have fun with no features at all
get something good from the 80s

>80's had better technology than current day
go back to Sup Forums retard

I've heard the upgrade-ability of the cartridge isn't great plus the platter is plastic so it will wobble much more

80s turntables are objectively better than today's turntables.

spend real money and get a MMF or a Pro-Ject or buy a nice used table from a reputable source. dont buy that plastic pos.

a lot of 80's tables are too feature-heavy (automatic return, etc) which introduces a lot of failure points and over-complicates the turntable. look for a full manual table, it will serve you the best. there are a lot of budget tables from that time too that shoud be completly avoided. honestly if you buy a turntable worth anything less thak $100 you are what's wrong with the hobby.

>not getting cassettes

If you want modern, get a uturn orbit.
Otherwise go vintage

I have an LP120, Op, and I'm pretty sure it's the most turntable one can get for the least money; quite a bargain. Only fault it has is the lack of an auto-stop... Be on your toes to lift that needle at the end of a side or it'll run over to the center after jumping right out of the grooves!

I run mine through a Harbinger M60 PA, dude, it sounds like the band is right there in my living room.

>insofar as

Hey! In case you didn't know. Being "lol tips fedora" is cool now, whereas being a "soyboy" as yourself, is laughable now. So, please, fuck off and go back to tumblr and never comeback.

No, kid, soyboy and fedoras are the same thing.

it shouldn't be jumping out of the grooves if you have the counter weight set properly. it'll just keep spinning through the last locked groove until you stop it which isn't doing any more damage to it than playing a record normally. it's obviously just going to wear it down and make you have to replace it sooner.

I've got a Rega RP1 which is around that price point, but you'll need to get a pre-amp (don't know if this is the case with the LP120).

Dont think you can shit on someone for using a crosley when you're still using one of these. Fuck, why should you be shitting on anybody for listening to records, regardless of their player?

No. Look up youtube tests, it's a damn fine turntable. For the price that is. Spend more you'll get more.

>platter is plastic
A product description page, hell a hoogle search would have told you that was wrong. Stop believing everything you hear.

Noob here,
Can't I just plug my headphones into the amp or whatever instead of using speakers?
I live in a house with lots of people, plus I don't want them to hear my autismo music playing.

First, stop being a little bitch, get a nice pair of speakers, fill your room with sound. (At reasonable times of the day). Back when I had roomates I blasted Vocaloid like an autistic shitbag. You know what my roomates did? Made some jokes and jack shit.

If your amp has a headphone jack yes.

If It were roommates I wouldn't be worried but it's my family.

Don't buy a turntable. Don't buy an amp. Save up and move out.

I have an AT turntable and microphone. Both quality.

there is nothing wrong with a crosley.

Not him but what do you recommend user looking to upgrade here in a bit.

Best advice ever.

>there is nothing wrong with being retarded
I wish Hitler had won the war

Using good English is for losers!

just read the comments section. that video is kinda bullshit.

shut the fuck up food dude

>tfw having a B&O and it just fucking broke right when I finally got a decent preamp and some brand new speakers.