Wait...so mu is actually capable of making good music?

wait...so mu is actually capable of making good music?

Other urls found in this thread:


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>implying that shit was good
Also most of the people who worked on it were underageb& who can't into good music if it hit them in the face

t. buttmad pablo fan

Sup Forums made an album?

people from Sup Forums, not Sup Forums themselves.
And yeah, Sup Forumss made at least 2 "actual" albums last year, have you been living under a rock?

where can i listen to them? the same bandcamp page as the Sup Forums makes an album things?

nah theyre on their own pages.
the first is a remix album of The Life of Pablo:
the other is a shoegaze album about Elon Musk's mission to Mars:

thanks man. i only knew about the elon musk album, but never knew it was actually finished

Has anybody heard out of these guys since this? I was pretty excited for a follow-up but nothing was ever said

hey. hope you enjoy it, for what it is. be sure to check out TDOP too, those guys put a lot of effort into that.

we split for a little bit, but the group has rejoined. whether or not we'll continue making music as a collective is still up in the air, but in the meantime, myself, and a few other memes are planning to release an EP of songs by the end of the week. A single is coming soon, so be on the lookout for that

I don't think there will be a propper follow-up since there was around a dozen people involved in the making of OCISLY. There will probably be little collaboration releases from different people that were involved but a full collaboration is very unlikely.

hey good job with that. i'm impressed by the serious tone coming from Sup Forums

yeah man i really enjoyed it, it think i'm about to buy it. great work! how long have you guys worked on it?
i will definitely check TDOP out

its been off and off since late november, when it was a full group project. But it really picked up late december and has been worked on since. We took a lot of consideration into the problems people had with OCISLY, and hopefully have addressed them. A pre-order should be up tonight or tomorrow


that "album" is shit op. learn how to make actually good music and stop shilling this half-assed garbage here


I agree, to an extent. Obviously it was hastily made, but considering that it was made by 15 strangers who met on Sup Forums of all places. It had a lot of problems and we've been addressing them.
You'll be impressed with the new EP, tho. I guarantee it.

In the meantime, you guys might like this post-rock solo effort by one of our members:

>You'll be impressed with the new EP, tho. I guarantee it.
>In the meantime, you guys might like this post-rock solo effort by one of our members:
>still shamelessly shilling yourself
there's a bandcamp thread currently up in the catalogue

yeah, our EP isn't up yet. I was just talking with some of you guys here about the group because there seemed to be some interest in it, which is exciting. Didnt mean to shill tho, I was just overzealous with selfpromotion.

Calm down friendo it's related to the thread.