Wtf i was fine when this was just a pretty comfy city pop album but its actually really really really really good what...

wtf i was fine when this was just a pretty comfy city pop album but its actually really really really really good what the hell

Other urls found in this thread:!FAc1BDhI!fbv0LL4O5HejiMEIkgHlUw

Summer Connection's GOAT but I wasn't too crazy about the rest.

mignonne >>> sunshower

this is the worst post ever

this is so bizarre. 30 years from now are japanese teens gonna find mandy moore's debut album and treat it like it's some amazing masterpiece in the genre.

no it's really not sorry

everybody in here is a hater, and I'm here to say that the record is a certified ripper, and that くすりをたくさん and 都会 are absolute gold, and silent screamer is a good track too

if it's like the 5th j-pop album u have ever heard in your life, sure

I wouldn't really call it j-pop - it has more similarity to fusion jazz, no? and come on...Hosono, Sakamoto, Kazumi Watanabe, Tatsuro Yamashita, and even the sax wiz Yasuaki Shimizu are in her employ on this record.

I'm not saying it's better than, say, Hosono's solo output from the 70s, but the production is impeccable, and some of the synth sounds are pretty incredible considering the release year. anyway.

this is better

I'm so confused. When did City Pop become such a meme genre? I see it all over my youtube recommendations now and a lot of them have like 500,000+ views. what the fuck happened?

half of it is the aesthetic, and the overall vibe that japan had in the 90s

there was a lot of character to the country back then, despite the mishaps politically, and you can feel it through the music

doesnt make it any less meme-y but there's your reason


Her name translates to "My Shit" in Filipino
and coincidentally, this is my shit.

Vaporwave and synthwave popularity × YouTube algorithm
Note how people always post the same city pop albums over and over

Flip here. Lol


What the fuck I always thought that was a washing machine she was standing in front of.

>Note how people always post the same city pop albums over and over
You mean just like how it is with literally every other genre here? Is this your first day on Sup Forums or something?

The YMO guys always worked closely with Taeko. Hosono and Sakamoto played the bass and keyboards on Sunshower.
Also she has a really soothing and unique voice.

So much Sand here...

it is a masterpiece I don't care what the haters call it. i really love it, Tokai, kusuri o takusai, Silent screamer are the best but the rest are also awesome tracks, i don't really skip any.
I also love Miki Matsubara, check this video and tell me isn't she adorable:

>Last song guitar kicks in

It’s pop because it was pop at the time it was produced
Today’s pop music sounds different from yesterday’s pop music, but you don’t retroactively refit loser music into new genres, that’s not how it works

"loser music"? since when is fusion jazz loser music? also, Taeko mentions that genre of her own accord in an interview specifically concerning Sunshower...

*Older music
I’m a phone poster and that was a typo

granted. fusion isn't a new genre by any means.

dubs of truth!FAc1BDhI!fbv0LL4O5HejiMEIkgHlUw

For some reason this took me a while to find. Usually I'd buy the record, but fuck me those prices...I just can't justify them.

Bought this in Shibuya, but they didn't have Mignonne sadly.

its weird seeing a musical genre discovered and appreciated entirely because of youtube algorithms.

I don't really understand about this "youtube logarithm" rant, is just a fucking recommendation, "if you like A maybe you will like B" what's the bad thing about it? hasn't this been done for decades? how else do you find new music if is not by someone or something that recommended to you in the first place?

not positive or negative, just an observation

this music is for weebs who want to feel superior to other weebs

It's paranoid Sup Forumstier retards who think le google is a jewish conspiracy spying on you and trying to manipulate you into clicking videos.

How was that a rant?
>God i fucking hate how our music tastes are being controlled by computers, fucking jewgle.
Not a rant
>inst it weird that this trend was started because of an algorithm?
See the difference?

you're an autistic fuck who cant comprehend some people genuinely like this music and found it on their own without a fucking youtube rec thing. even if people found music from youtube, why does it matter? that's what the recommendation is supposed to do give suggested videos based on songs you've listened to. it's no different from some kids finding out what indie is and looking up a couple nmh albums and finding slint from there.

enjoy your music who gives a damn if it was the pope or trump who recommended to you

The only good city pop albums

to me the unexpected success of these songs is some kind of natural selection; youtube recommends a lot of music, most of it is pure crap and because it is, it goes undetected, thumbed down and simply discarted.

everyone was doing it at the time, contrary to RYM's description yes tons of teen idols were doing city pop. Tsutaya is one of the most prominent music shops and they listed Seiko Matsuda, the epitome of idols, on their top 10 essential City Pop list.
Mariya Takeuchi wasn't on Seiko's level, but she was pretty major too.