Sup Forums, why aren't you having a nice time with your family and girlfriend?

Sup Forums, why aren't you having a nice time with your family and girlfriend?

My family was just over and gave ny girlfriend presents where her name was spelled wrong on every one

No girlfriend, but I certainly had a nice time with my family. It's 02:52 here, and I'm about to go to sleep. I just had to take a mean shit first. My mom is a hell of a cook.

Because im stuck with my family and cant fuck my girlfriend

I want to die.

Because gf broke up with me to fuck another guy. Hold me Sup Forums

girlfriend broke up with me because she had her baby. I met her when she was 4 months pregnant and eventually i promised i would get my life together and build a family with her but i only became a shittier person in the end.

My """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""family""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" hates me, and unsurprisingly, I don't have a gf, nor would I be able to get one.

More importantly: why isn't there a big guy thread going on?

Dr. Sauron, I'm Fellowship

>tfw gf broke up with me a week before Halloween where we planned to go have a nice dinner and go to a haunted house

this year has been terrible

I know that feel breh, it gets better. She'll probably fuck him over too.

why do they do it man

>a week before Halloween

Sounds like someone couldn't resist being a hypergamous floozy

What if it was a gift?

I'm at work, but it's busy as fuck so I'm hiding in the janitor's closet.

I don't even know man. she said she wanted to be friends and then a week ago when she dropped off my shit she didn't even want to be there. I had to ask if she even wanted to be friends and she gave the most horse shit explanation for why we can't be friends.

I guess the good news from that is it pissed me off so much that the 2 years of love I had withered away. That bitch isn't the same one I met and fell in love with anymore. Her Depression killed her.

Hope so man. Hurts. She was my first gf. It's a new form of pain.

That's shit man. After 2 years as well. 2 years for me too. It's like they just forget it all or something. I can relate to the bit where you say she's not the same person you met and fell in love with. I feel that way too. Now it's just the memories that nag at my head constantly.

>What if it was a gift?

In the long run it's a gift for me. within a month of the relationship starting her depression got bad, her communication got worse about her depression, her insecurities got way worse when I chatted with an Ex of mine. Her depression fucked with my head royal and she never did anything to really fix it.

but still I worked my ass off for 2 fucking years on this and devoted a fuck ton of my life to it and taking care of her. When she called and said she wanted to break up it was like a shotgun blast to the chest.

at the very least I can focus and rebuild myself which after this relationship I have too.

because it's 03:15 am and everyone is asleep

can't you guess?

> Now it's just the memories that nag at my head constantly.

it's the worst. I went to Hawaii with this girl, she came to my emergency surgery at 6 in the morning, I was there for her when her friend died and for her illness, and for her depression.

all those hardships amount to nothing but memories now.

>The christmas cuck

everyone is sleeping because it's the middle of the night. dinner was nice tho

7 years here, blindsided after the housewarming party for her new flat. 8 days ago.

I'm gay

crazy isn't it?

don't know what to do with myself anymore

Because I'm completely undesirable from any rational females point of view.

Holy shit, don't know how you can handle it when it's after that length of time

Had dinner and gifts with my side of the family yesterday, hers tomorrow, taking a day off to watch Christmas movies and generally laze around in between :^)

Went over to see the family and sat thru 3 hours of fantasy football BS while they watched redzone instead of one single game.
I don't get the attraction of watching which millionaire I'm not related to score the most fake points this week.
I really don't get it. They somehow made watching sports even worse.
Hanging out with friends later on the 25th.

I'm having a nice time with my family. Steak and crab for dinner and lemon cake for dessert. We're going to open presents in a bit

Surround yourself with good friends and do stuff with them. Talking helps a lot. But i still feel crushed and pretty much dead inside.
I hope we're all going to make it somehow.

It really is man. Hopefully someone else will enter our lives and it will be better than before.

I just feel like I'm pissing off people when I talk about it. Friends have been supportive enough though. Thinking of picking up a hobby. I know it's a cliche and all but I've heard it can help. Just not sure what.
I hope so too.

Yeah, I fucking hope so man.

Yeah, i'm in the same situation. My friends were incredibly supportive but i don't want to bother them with it any longer. Funny, i thought about that too. I guess i'll do something basic like swimming for starters and see where it leads from there. Just trying to clean my mind and get a little fit on the side. Make myself a better person and all that bs. Going hard on work related things seems to help too and as a bonus gives you cash.
I think the most important thing is to not let the desperation consume you. It's hard tho especially at night...

Yeah I'm properly most satisfied right now when I'm at work. There it feels like I have a purpose and I'm at least needed in the smallest way for something. And yeah it always does get worse at night.

We celebrate on Christmas Eve, and that was yesterday.

I know too much and it makes it unpleasant for other people to spend much time with me. I think too much about things that other people don't want to think about, it makes me a bad conversationalist. My family is a shitshow and I have an ex-wife who's borderline nuts.

Well, merry Christmas everybody!

I had a nice time, but short. Home only for the weekend. Gf studying abroad. Parents divorced but living together. Brother, i get to seem him now after not seeing him since easter. I have to leave the city monday to go back to work. It alright. Hope you guys are ok. Merry Christmas

mom wants me to spend time with the pham and her boyfriend but I hate the fucker

What did her boyfriend do to you man is he a prick or what

because i touch myself at night

>to intelligent to be a shut in

I am with my gf and her family. Tomarrow I'm going to be having dinner with my family.

I'm actually a little tipsy right now desu senpai

I have no redeeming qualities, only lust only for happenings