"I want to live again, please God, let me live again"

>"I want to live again, please God, let me live again"
>when the snow starts falling again
>when he finds Zuzu's petals
>"Merry Christmas you wonderful old Building and Loan!"
>when he runs up the stairs and hugs his kids
>when Uncle Billy comes in with the basket of money
>"To my big brother George, the richest man in town!"
>Auld Lang Syne
>"Remember, no man is a failure who has friends"
>"Teacher says, every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings"
>"'Atta boy, Clarence!"

If you can make it through this without tearing up, you do not have a soul.

>"who has friends"

Fuck these happy pieces of shit

>white people and white tv

yeah make america great again!

Yulekino indeed.

This movie is very comfy

greatest Christmas movie of all time.

well, you don't NEED to have friends to not be a failure.


Just saw this for the first time the other day and got to see it at the AFI theater. So beautiful ;___;

i wouldn't watch it with other people

i must not give them clues that i cry at literally every film (at least when high)

this is a classic tearjerker, without being mawkish

There are a few black people in Bedford Falls (maid, various extras), the same amount you would expect from a small, upstate New York hamlet in the 1940s

>tfw Capra was a Commie

what did he mean by this?

Merry Christmas Mr. Potter

Akshyually it's not TV. It's a film. TV wasn't widespread when it was filmed.

To be fair, the only reason why anybody remembers this movie is because it was cheap to run in syndication, and therefore they ran it all the time during christmas.

>"Remember, no man is a failure who has friends"

I used to love this movie as a kid, now it's just a reminder of what a failure I am

>Mr Potter tries to stop subprime loans and suddenly he's the bad guy
George was literally giving money to
> My husband hasn't worked in a year and I need money!

Nice ending and all, but George probably still should have gone to jail. His crime was in theory taking the money for his own use, and even if he had 8000 from other methods he still in theory stole the other 8000

Anonchan pls no.

I just marathoned this on tv

Filled my heart with hope. Goat Christmas movie

I get filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and exuberance in the final moments, but the "Remember, no man is a failure who has friends" always kills it for me. I literally have no friends, so basically the entire message of the film has no value for me. I still love the movie though. George Bailey is everything I wish I could be.

I might agree if you said "could have".
The only person to accuse him of stealing anything was Potter, and the claim was completely unfounded, as well as completely false.
Besides, I don't think anyone would arrest George Bailey, especially after a MoH recipient and dozens of townspeople vouch for his character.

>It's the bank's fault men want to give their women luxury and poorly assess their earning potential.

friends are a meme. If you are going to entertain people you might as well get paid for it in money or pussy.

jesus man

I tear up at the pharmacist scene where he gets beat and at the end every time.

Best Christmas move. Great movie in general

Capra was a staunch Republican

The scene in that old house with the dinner set up all nice with everything crumbling around it is one of the most heartfelt things I've ever seen.

I read this as "I tear up at the pharmacist scene where he gets beat at the end" and wondered why the hell you were tearing up at him getting squirted in the face and kicked out of the bar.

23 years old. Saw this movie for the first time today. Loved it and cried. Then when it got to the book quote saying you're not a failure if you have friends, it reminded me I'm a failure.

>beautiful white traditional wife
>beautiful white children
>small, culturally homogeneous community
>everyone knows each other by first name, helps each other out
>no degeneracy being shoved down your throat

This movie makes me cry at the end, every single time. People really lived like this. My parents grew up like this. This will never exist ever again

It's Wonderful Life is probably the reason so many people kill themselves on Christmas. Fuck this stupid movie.

>My parents grew up like this.
Your parents grew up in the 1940's? How fucking old are you?!

>If you can make it through this without tearing up, you do not have a soul.
Pipe down, pussy

do you think its responsible for more deaths than any other movie?

is it possibly the most evil movie ever created?

what's it to the world if I create a few more anxious eunuchs to help elevate me in the minds of women.

>responsible for more deaths than any other movie
that would probably be something like triumph of the will or birth of a nation

Does anyone else wanna give it hard to Donna Reed?

>the picture on George's wall of his father
>"All you can take with you is that which you've given away"

You forgot about Annie. She was black.

If you don't you're gay. She's the dictionary definition of a dime piece.

so many different emotions in this movie

>as a kid you would want to be alive again
>grown up you wish you were still dead

Not only that, but apparently they grew up in a reality with no minorities where everyone in their town was best friends.

>Mr. Welsh

>Clarence, w-who is that?
>It's your mother, user.
>But she died years ago…
>Well you see, user, if your mother didn't have to worry about you, she never would've started drinking again. There'd be nothing to stop her from living a long and happy life.

the uncle was a fuckup and george was stupid to trust him in the first place

>small, culturally homogeneous community
George imported that giant Italian immigrant family

George was literally handing out money with no insurance

>there was a time when Italians were considered to be a different race
>it was okay to call Italians "garlic eaters" in cinema
>today if you called Mexicans "bean eaters" in cinema you'd be hanged

I was referring to what the guy said in his post.


I feel your pain, user. At least you aren't alone in that regard

AAAAAA DANCE BY DA LIGHT OF DA MOOOOOOON what did you say when you threw that rooooock?

fuck I'm going to an hero right now

She wished to be rammed in the bushes like the whore she is.

>I'll give you the moon, Mary... then you can swallow it, and it'll all dissolve, see... and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair...

What did he mean by this?

Imagine the scene with Mary in the bushes coming out today

He was being dramatically romantic. Try it sometime. Chicks dig it.

earth is flat and the moon isnt very large

>interesting situation, a man doesn't get into these situations very Ophhhten.

They wouldn't even allow the perceivable age difference to air because of how resentful feminist women have become at youthful women.

She was 18 and he was like 21. By the end of the movie I think he's about 27 (according to Potter).

>4 years
>perceivable age difference

>only reason its remembered
>nominated for 5 academy awards

James Maitland Stewart (May 20, 1908 - July 2, 1997)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

He IS late thirties during filming
He LOOKS 40s
She LOOKS 20s

No way (((they))) would let "the perceivable age difference" pass.

I think you're the only one who cares. It's Christmas. You'll be okay. I WISH I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS... HOT DOG!

Seriously fuck off crossposter scum

You fucking millennials make me sick with your participation trophies and your twitter slang and your tumblr sensibilities. Whatsa matta? Baby gonna cry? Baby wanna safe space from da big meanie on da inta-net? Well I've got news for you, cuck. Real life's knocking on your door. In real life there are no safe spaces you stupid little bitch. So look up from your phone, pull your head out of the PC clouds, and get ready. Because we're taking back this country. And you can lead, follow, or get your fairy ass out of the way. Choice is yours, kiddo.

I just watched this for the first time and cleared up my tears OP

it was a huge bomb though

Dude, it's Christmas. Can you just be civil for one day? Love thy neighbor and all that.

>Love thy neighbor and all that
You're not my neighbor, you're a traitor and a parasite.

>Projecting when you get told to stop being a crossboarding shitposter

how do you "marathon" a single movie

We're your friends, user.

quite a few black people in It's A Wonderful Life. it's far from being a racist or unrealistic depiction of reality in upstate New York

lol. seriously Sup Forums?

I thought those "no singles" threads were just memes

>nigger autism

He was tripping balls.

I literally don't have a single friend.

Why do newbies post? There are somethings you can't learn from KNOWYOURMEME.com

>it was a huge bomb though

it underperformed and didnt make a profit, but it wasnt a huge bomb

The amount of money a movie makes has nothing to do with it's quality. I wish people who hold this believe would jump off a fucking cliff. Suicide Squad was unwatchable and it almost hit a billion. Same with The Force Awakens.

volunteer somewhere. make friends with old people

I'm fine with this film, but Air Bud makes me weep like a baby. That dog was just so good at basketball.

Who would win in a physical fight? George Bailey or Jefferson Smith?

>The amount of money a movie makes has nothing to do with it's quality.

I wish people would read the chain of discussion before posting some unrelated shit

Gets me everytime too

It was implied no one could remember this movie because it was a huge bomb. Are you retarded?

I want a gf. Hot dog!

Sup Forums has close ties with /r9k/. Enter at your own risk, user.

You will never fuck Donna Reed's tight asshole.