Let's get /film/ made

Let's get /film/ made

There are already threads about films here and you can't really ban memeposting.

So every thread can be "WAT WAS WITH THE ENDING?!?!?"

No. The problem is plebbery itself.

In order to make /film/ you need to determine the difference between movies and films, and that is a distinction that Sup Forums as a community will never, ever be able to make. /film/ is a pipe dream lad

Films and movies are the same thing. Only memeing autists believe otherwise.

lets just grid of Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums from posting here and it'll be fine again

/film/ was made for a few hours a few months ago and everyone cried and it disappeared

No need for film just get rid of capeshit, Star Wars, and twitter posts. This place will still be shit but it's better than what it is now.

OP is a Sup Forumsedditor

It was made and it was even more shit than this place which I didn't think possible. There were retards trying to establish memes within the first hour. We don't deserve it.

it was made yes, but it was never officially open by the Copyright © 2003-2016 Sup Forums community support LLC team

shut up idiot it was up and people could post there, which was enough for us to experience it and see it was shit

don't call me that..


Reminder that nearly all of Sup Forums's memes are from films.
In before the 'film/kino/flick/movie' meme, another film related meme.


We had /film/. It got shitposted to death and was discontinued.

Fire swaglord

He's one of the better mods and he doesn't even mod this board.

because there were no mods and for some reason they made it publicly available before it was announced/ready, of course it was going to be shitposted to death

thanks man