Are Radiohead as great as everybody proclaims to be or are they just mainstream trash?

Are Radiohead as great as everybody proclaims to be or are they just mainstream trash?
I've never actually listened to them aside from creep.

They're as great. Don't listen to the idiots on this board who hate them.

>Sup Forumsapproved movies Anonymous 01/23/18(Tue)12:45:01 No.77615791 ▶
Boring music for angsty suburban teenagers

they're pretty good but their fans like think liking them makes them special. they're not anything extraordinary save a few tracks

the best song they ever made was Creep

They're good but very overrated.

They're good, I enjoy all their albums, they are a bit mainstream and their fans are cancer, but they're good

Radiohead hasn't made a mainstream song in a quarter century

Listen to in rainbows, probably their most solid concise record they've made


Second this

>rhead again
Are you a bot, is 90% of Sup Forums just pr bots?

Where are these dumb contrarian plebs at, I'd like to spar with one

>hot take incoming

Amnesiac > OKC > Kid A > Hail To The Thief > The King Of Limbs > AMSP > The Bends > In Rainbows > Pablo Honey

Their 5 best songs:
The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy
There, There
I Might Be Wrong
Climbing Up The Walls

You opened Pandora's Box with this question. Lots of people dislike them purely because they're so acclaimed.

Listen to OK Computer, then Kid A and Amnesiac. If you like that stuff, then you should listen to their whole discography. They're pretty incredible.

>In Rainbows that low
>Amnesiac above Kid A
>TKOL anywhere near the top
>In Rainbows that low
>HTTT that high

In Rainbows is a 6/10.

>Are Radiohead as great as everybody proclaims to be
Probably not, but they're still really good. Listen to In Rainbows first and then go from there.

You are a dangerous boy. However I do appreciate hail to the thief being high up that album is so under appreciated just because it's "bloated" like ok it's long but would the record be as great if they had cut out a bunch of songs like sail to the moon or where I end and you begin or we suck young blood?

listen to in rainbows and found out yourself faggot

They're your favorite high school or college band. There musics served as a gateway to finding better stuff they like for a lot of people.

>Are Radiohead as great as everybody proclaims to be
Yes, but it'll probably go over your head unless you know music theory

Don't fall for this bait

There is a lot of middle ground between the two. They are certainly not as great as they are often made out to be, but just because they are mainstream they aren't trash. is correct, not that they can't still be enjoyed but they are a gateway band that blows away many people who haven't gone beyond entry-level "alternative" rock. What confuses me is that there are better well-known bands than them in regards to entry level bands like The Beatles, Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Pixies etc., yet they are seen as the best ever besides maybe The Beatles or Pink Floyd.


I used to be obsessed with them but honestly it's kinda true that when you delve into more music they become a lot less mind blowing


ok computer>kid A>in rainbows>hail to the thief=A moon shaped pool>the bends>amnesiac>the king of limbs>>pablo honey

No one cares


they're good. king of limbs is shit though

nobody cares about anyone's opinion but, we all state ours anyways

>king of limbs is shit though

is this a low-key meme for radiohead threads? every fucking thread someone posts something exactly like this bashing king of limbs

Radiohead is just Coldplay for losers.

people would care if the poster explained why he made the picks.

>Yes, but it'll probably go over your head unless you know music theory

that's mostly due to jonny greenwood. thom doesn't know anything about theory and he wrote pyramid song, and that has some really fucked up time signature stuff going on.

If you like "cinematic" music for depressed people or weirder electronic/art rock sorta stuff, go for it. If not, just keep moving. Yeah, they're a tad overrated and it wouldn't be a stretch to call them reddit-core, but they're pretty good in either case.
This to an extent.

>thom doesn't know anything about theory and he wrote pyramid song
tHat's pretty amazing, that he has such high musical intuition

That's a pretty good song list mine would be

Climbing Up The Walls
The Amazing Sounds of Orgy
Paranoid Android
There, There
Everything In Its Right Place

This user speaks the truth


It's the normalfag version of swans

how are they even similar to swans in any regard

Intereting hot take. I'd say my top 5 songs wld b:

Wolf At the Door
Amazing Sounds of Orgy
Where I End and You Begin
The National Anthem
Exit Music

Hail to the Thief deserves more love. Too many amazing songs on it for it to be so disregarded.

you mean
>IR>Amnesiac>AMSP>HTTT>TKOL>The Bends>OK>Kid A>Pablo Hunhun?

mostly dadrock for the mopey