Fuck this movie

Fuck this movie.

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>Fuck this movie.
Fuck this movie.

The ending with the Chinese people was kino.

No, Fuck you

It's actually not bad if you haven't seen it before. But, just like all Christmas music, there isn't really a large pool to pull from for Christmas movies, so you end up seeing this shit on TV all December long, every single year.

>not a single person of color
fuck this movie, fuck white people, kill white males, rape white women, convert white children into burger patties to fuel the black man as he reclaims his throne

>no people of color

>light skin
Fuck off stormfag

HEY you dont say that

There's black people in Ralphie's class. Also how can you forget about the Chinese restaurant?

Who ever told you a Chinaman was a colored man?

Ovaltine is a rich, chocolaty brown.

Watching it right now. Wouldn't be Xmas without it.


>not the color yellow

Finally, someone said it. Fuck white "people" and fuck Rump

>not a single person of color

he be watchin

Best Christmas movie.

Maybe it's just the nostalgia of watching it almost every year when I was younger, but watching it again, it's legitimately funny and relatable

>all these brainwashed white people
The jews want you to like this.


Fuck ironic Sup Forumsposting forever

oh ya black bart

Ralphy guns down some coons in one of his fantasies

I know this feel

Are you retarded?

Yeah, it's funny.

What the fuck is this? Where's all the tears, blood, and piss you always see on pepe & feels guy strips?

Watched it for the first time in years about an hour ago on TBS. Still as great as I remember it desu.

Even the most contrarian faggot in the world can't dislike this movie.

My family always plays a game where we guess what scene is on and see who was closest
Theres two black kids in the scene where they're watching the kid get pulled off the flag pole after sticking his tongue on it

fucking sjw garbage

>delet this

It's a good fucking movie.

Anyone got a mega of it by chance? Got fucked for cable this year and we always keep the marathon on all day and I've not had any luck finding a good rip of it

I always laughed hardest at the mall santa pushing him down the slide with his foot.

ralphies a fag and a half

t. scott farkus


Considering TBS plays the movie 24 hours straight its hard to avoid the fucking movie on Christmas.

t. Butthurt illegals



{white ppl} box art

they're fucking yellow

Not Die Hard or

Maybe you had to be a kid when you first saw it but I watched it for the first time yesterday and found it massively overrated. The Dad was the best character.