What are some films that will help me to stop thinking about her

What are some films that will help me to stop thinking about her

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There is no film that will help you stop thinking about her user

nothing takes the pain away
you just get used to it


Citizen Bane

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.

no such thing

no matter what they tell you in these threads

there's no such thing

i've been asking for 4 years

Time is the only thing that helps.

4 years is way too long famm, you need to meet other girls asap.

gone girl

keep at it pussy, do it till you reach the bottom(there is no bottom btw, the bottom is death).

500 Days of Summer

I'm talking about drinking yourself to death, get to it OP you piece of shit fuck you.

the voices starring west canadian ryan gosling


the fuck is this picture even?

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Just watch really good movies in general, it should take you 2-4 months to get over her. Then start looking around for other girls. If it's still 6 months and you feel like this, legit get therapy.

t. /adv/

dont be that way.

That sentence can only be pieced together by someone who lives on the internet. What a disgraceful sentence.

Yo dude I'm in the same boat OP. Just watch kino, get high with friends, sit out in a park and drink, listen to alot of music. Find a director you like and watch everything they ever made. Read a long book series or watch a long running anime, mine has been One Piece and I fucking love it Ive been coping with the memories of her for more than 2 years now. Her birthday is next week. Last year she showed up at the NYE party I was at and I dipped hard before she saw me. Its rough. But develop hobbies. And slowly youll start to see that she wasnt perfect and she probably made you feel lesser than. That shit aint right and your life really shouldnt hinge on the approval of a lover. I wish you the best OP.

But you know that won't work.

Hey bro, I'm not sure if you actually want advice or are just meming, but it's Christmas Eve and I can't sleep, so I'm gonna share.

It doesn't matter if "she" is some girl you had a crush on who didn't know you existed or the love of your life you spent years dating, if you are looking to forget about "her", you have to realize that you cannot. You never get over her, but that's okay. She's a part of you now. In the end, that's all we are: bits and pieces of other people who have influenced us over the scarce time we spend here, and now she is one of them.

Once you realize this, the pain starts to dull. You start to see the good that she left you. You stop wishing she was still with you because she still is with you. The one thing you can count on in life is that you can never go back. You can never really relive the good days, but again, that's okay, because they stick with you. In a beautiful way, the opposite is true, you are now a piece of them. A face that appears when she hears your favorite song, a name that pops in her head when she sees your hometown, or an actor in the memories she sees when she passes by the place you two went on your first date.

The only thing left for you is to go find the next person to fall in love with, because that's the best part of life.

Merry Christmas user, have a great one.

look at parts of it and see if you can't piece it together yourself chap

> nuh spoonfeed me

I think not.

you should become as ugly as possible; you should mutilate your flesh and drive peace from your thoughts. age in solitude, pursue no relationships and engage in no activities other than the cultivation of mental discipline and ritualistic debasement of your body. as you age, your understanding of pain and suffering will deepen, and while your deformed body withers your mind will develop a rich, fertile humus as layer after layer of agonizing experience accumulates. plant the final seed there, a new beginning in the form of a bullet

and that nigga drive a miata