You know it's true

You know it's true.

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 reddit weather

Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets are comfy, Azkaban is Wizard-kino. The others are garbage

grow up and stop consuming something something

I'm at
a loss.

Replace Harry Potter with the 7 disc boxset of Berlin Alexanderplatz and you're set


>on christmas day

what kind of shitty country are you in? pure white snow here. maximum cozy.

>Reddit weather
>instead of using a box spring on his bed he fucking puts a gay as tent above it instead
>Harry Pleber
>Meme food

Kill yourself

Chamber of Secrets is garbage and the first one is dated. Half-blood Prince is the most comfy.

swap harry potter for Lord of the Rings and change pizza to vast amounts of booze and potato chips and you've got yourself a deal.

that pizza looks really shitty. like lunchables tier.

>Watching the series on Christmas eating leftovers.

Maximum comfy.

>I had no childhood

Sorry user

do hindus not celebrate christmas Marcus?



>Half-Blood Prince

Skips a good chunk of the book in favor of dumb pointless romance, everyone whispers for no reason, pretentious distracting cinematography. Not comfy at all.

no I'm an adult and can afford decent pizza now instead of that tombstone shit. not everything from childhood is worth carrying on.

I don't understand how you can watch harry potter more than once

someone post the complimentary harry pottery copy pasta

HFB is comfy as fuck m8.

>SUMMER (dry)
Normie weather
>AUTUMN (dry)
Reddit weather
>WINTER (sunny)
>WINTER (blizzard, snowstorm, can't see shit and it's comfy cold)
>SUMMER (rainy)
>SUMMER (fog)
Alright as long it's not stuffy
>AUTUMN (rainy)
Anti-Normie i.e. good
Shit tier tbqh

replace pizza with popcorn/hot cocoa combo and Harry Potter with Don Bluth, Jan Švankmajer, or Takashi Miike and I'd agree

Where is the picture of a child?
By being a women/someone that shares the same mind as one(a neet, not tranny). They seek the comfort in repeated views of the same few things that make them happy rather than searching for something new.

it's a reflection of their desire to stay protected at home while the men would go out and hunt for food/work

Replace Harry Potter with Blade Runner and pizza with pizza rolls and you've got an accurate recreation of the single most kino day I experienced this year.

is someone going to post the pasta or what

>it's a reflection of their desire to stay protected at home while the men would go out and hunt for food/work
>he says as he shitposts on a television and film board on a chinese cartoon imageboard

I like spring (rainy) 2bh

>X-men movies
>Water because you don't wanna be a fat fuck

Hhhhhhello roastie!


>Get pneumonia
>Feel like I'm slowly dying
>Stay home from school and watch Gulliver's Travels while cold and rainy

Remove Harry Potter with LotR and sure

Winter snowfall is Kino.

The perfect day would be talking to the girl I love about things she cares about, watching her smile. We'd watch Paris, Texas, then later, go out to a restaurant, and I'd give her a warm embrace when I drop her off back home.

that sounds nice

>we do GEEK
>the sign only references normie things


What about eggs? Surely she enjoys a nice bowl of eggs.

I'd honestly end a more than 5 year friendship if I went to someones house and saw that.

>aren't you forgetting something user?

if overwatch taught me anything, it's that short haired girls are lesbians

FUNFACT: According to a couple that did extensive testing on the effect food has on the taste of sperm, pizza made it taste the worst.

>playing overwatch


Pixiecuts are a cute

>tfw no bf to eat a nice homecooked pasta dish and watch Człowiek z marmuru with.


why would you do this to me
on chrimbus


from worst to best
>summer (hot)
>summer (rain)
>winter (snow)
>winter (rain)
>autumn (rain)
>BEST WEATHER: rainy windy thunderstorm blizzard just fuck my shit up weather
snow and ice is annoying as fuck to deal with, i'd much prefer a rainy autumn day

>aww user don't be sad
>I'm here


NEETs detected

Why do millennials hate film?

actually doing this right now


Winter is licherally reddit weather, nothing good about it at all. Fall perhaps is the best of both worlds

that's a perfect day

My feet sweat if I'm lying in bed all day, which isn't comfy. Give me a nice armchair, or sofa, 2bh,

I have absolutely no interest in Harry Potter.

Eating pizza in bed? Come the fuck on.

Not a perfect day

What are those things people put over their beds? Why

>Home alone
>Die Hard
>Batman returns


It's going to be 70°F (21°C) and stormy where I live. Exactly a week ago it was only 15°F (-9°C) and was sleeting. I hate my state's weather.

Weed always looks disgusting to me.

you just like having an excuse not to go outside lmao

>not liking summer
Fatfucks detected

i'm a skeleton, i fucking hate summer
you can so easily get warmer during winter by putting on some clothes or lying under a blanket or duvet, but you cannot possibly get colder during summer because that's just how it fucking is