Does Sup Forums like gothic rock?

Does Sup Forums like gothic rock?

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Yeah, I do. But what you just posted could fit right between Imagine Dragons and Portugal the Man on FM """alternative""" radio.



The Sisters Of Mercy sound like a parody of goth music. I laughed out loud the first time I heard the vocals. It's like they're making fun of Bauhaus or something.


Yes. Evanescence, Palewaves, MGMT, the list goes on...

real baritone voice, perfect for goth
I don´t like the drum machines much but meh


I wish goth got more love on Mu but it's just a bunch of brockhampton faggots in here.

>been following MGMT since 2008
>never thought they would ever bee associated with "goth" in any way, shape, or form
>"Little Dark Age" drops
>Andrew looks like Robert Smith in the music video
>underage kids probably think MGMT is "goth" now

what the FUCK are you one?
peter Murphy has a much more nasal and high-pitched voice, Andrew has a low crooning voice that sounds fuckall like what you get from Bauhaus. It also sounds more serious and less camp gay.

It's cheesy in its own way because of the soul influences but if you've listened to ANY Bauhaus album in full you know that they're a lot goofier than Sisters of Mercy.

she is so fucking hot.

love them, they sound like channelling The Beatles in a seance

In The Flat Field is one of my favorite albums. Murphy's voice is deep as fuck at times, and really high-pitched at other times. He often goes from singing, almost growling, in a deep voice to shouting in a high-pitched voice.
>I daaaaaaare you
>to be real
>To toooouch
>To touch a flickering flaaaaame

No she's not

Dinah Cancer is hot. Patricia Morrison is hot.

that bitch ain't shit worth a drop of precum

>copying Siouxsie's makeup and hair

cause it's cute and floofy

I won't argue with this.

becuz is goth

These are two different people??

>Patricia Morrison is hot.
Best goth chick desu, and there's some stern competition

I prefer this ice queen

Does Rose McDowell count? Strawberry Switchblade were more of a synth-pop band with some darkwave and shoegaze moments than an actual "goth" band, but she's hot as fuck.

of course

Dinah is fun, she's got a nice body, she can rock like nobody's business and she's got a super dank cartoon witch voice.

Siouxsie's cute, she can sing well, but that's about it

fun fact: she didn´t play a single note in Floodland. Eldritch hired her just for those epic videos.

She was in Current 93, so yeah, she counts.

Based Andrew

for sure

Fuck yeah. I love her.

Can you blame him?

she's pretty cool

totally bonkers though

Robert Smith is the prettiest goth girl.

Well, I am too so I don't mine. She suffers from agoraphobia, which I also have.

no, he has superior taste in females


>I Can Feel starts playing

Siouxsie can rock pretty hard.
>that cute dance she starts doing around 4:04

I prefer deathrock desu

does Sup Forums like shoegaze?

> all those cheap mallgoths

Oh man, I love this performance. This was the best show they ever played. That part at the end where she sings in a really high pitch voice and sounds like a little girl is so creepy, but it sounds awesome.
>sssshe's your... little voodoo dollyyyy...

don't care, she doesn't bang her head and her hair is too rigid.

When Dinah shakes her floofy head it's something else entirely

>heh, nothing personal gothos

Andrew is without question the biggest Chad in Goth Rock

I can see that. Dinah may be hotter, but I think Siouxsie is more beautiful. Her elaborate costumes, with jewels and feathers and her maximalist approach to their music later in her career invokes a sense of high art and royalty that no other goth band could match.

>shitpost turns into one of the best goth threads on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is discussing something in a civil manner
Am I in the twilight zone?

I wouldn't really consider that "gothic rock"

damn he got hot wtf

This is a good meme, I like it.

what's wrong with MGMT? MGMT going goth sounds like it could be really cool.

>Current 93, a folksy Post-Industrial outfit makes her Goth
Yeah no, she's /dark/, but not Goth.

Its only one song where they sound "electro goth-y" When You Die is a lil reminiscent but not really.
A lot of causal fans thought they were going full goth but didn't realize that the video was being tongue in cheek like most mgmt humor.

This, naturally though faggot indie-kids and hipsters are going to latch on and think MGMT is "so goff oh my goff!"

I don't know what the fuck that is in the OP but my personal poison is Sad Lovers and Giants, Lords Of The New Church, Big Electric Cat, and some of the renowned classics.

Always been hot

Swans made the GOAT Goth album IMO

It's Pale Waves

Yea, I think it might appeal to a bunch of underage faggots and cue them up to start acting all "counter-culture-y".
Not sure what else they will listen to, though.


t. soyboy

Eldritch is the biggest Chad of goth rock