Clearly the superior album

Clearly the superior album.

Clearly an accurate post

>t. hasn't heard Kid A yet




Without the hype Radiohead's In Rainbows (Radiohead, 2007) would simply be a mediocre attempt at making slightly adventurous classic rock music. Abandoning their pretenses of innovation and futurism, Radiohead returned to their rock roots with a guitar-driven album that features precious few electronic/digital effects. This is U2-style arena-rock for the 2000s. The syncopated blues-soul shuffle 15 Step the half-baked hard-rock of Bodysnatchers (reminiscent of pathetic attempts by the Beatles to reinvent themselves in the age of Cream) or Faust Arp, a Beatles-esque elegy that has been heard countless times in the history of pop music, are not only inferior material by any standard: they are plain amateurish. To make matters worse, the album includes a whole set of sub-pop ballads, from the slow Nude (a long unreleased song, originally titled Big Ideas) to the even more moronic All I Need and House of Cards.
Redeeming the album from utter mediocrity are Jigsaw Falling Into Place, by far the best song, the kind of feverish dance-rock that Inxs specialized in, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, a tender song a` la Coldplay that gradually builds emotioinal momentum, Reckoner, a languid soul lament over a hypnotic polyrhythm and a Moody Blues-esque string section, and finally the piano-driven Videotape, the melodic peak of the album and the one ballad that has something original to say. But it's way too little.
Any critic who hails this album as a masterpiece must be missing 99% of the music released in the same month.


Im this guy
I was assuming this was the Kid A/Amnesiac debate. If were talking discographies you's right

Scaruffi copypasta isn't gonna convince me.
You literally used the worst way possible to convince someone.


>Jigsaw Falling Into Place, by far the best song
How can one man be so based

>The syncopated blues-soul shuffle 15 Step
>Reckoner, a languid soul lament over a hypnotic polyrhythm
Scaruffi just vomits random music-related words that he has heard used by other people and pretends to understand what they mean. Why do people take him seriously again?

People make fun of Fantano for doing this, but Scaruffi does it just the same but with different buzzwords

no one takes him seriously dumbass, only he takes himself seriously. no sane man would look at his website and say "wow this guy knows what he's talking about!"
If a scaruffi fan tries to hype him up, just remind them of dubi dam dam

Came to post this.

Maybe one day you common plebs will realize the truth.

i love this album, best comeback album ever

Fantano more repeats the same few terms he knows over and over again, but he at least knows what they mean or doesn't use words that he doesn't know the meaning of
>no one takes him seriously dumbass
Yes many people do take him seriously and respect him as a music reviewer but I agree with everything else you said

What are Sup Forums's favorite fantano buzzwords? Mine are "glitzy" and "trap influence"

>but he at least knows what they mean or doesn't use words that he doesn't know the meaning of

>tfw disc 2

I'm so fascinated by Amnesiac. It's like I'm passing through a South American village, with a big Masonic lodge at the corner of town, and there's this uneasy spookiness that we all feel, but it's so warm and pretty out.