Silence receives A+ from Chris Stuckmann

Based Chris just gave Silence an A+.

Rotten Tomatoes has it sitting at 91%.

This film will be amazing and there is literally and figuratively nothing edgy contrarian atheist redditors can do about it.

Feels fucking fantastic man.

Born too late to participate in the crusades, born just in time to experience the golden age of Christian films.

He thinks that TFA was the best movie of 2015

>actually watching eceleb shit and knowing what they think
kill yourself

He's not wrong, you know.


hmmmmm...first good scorsese movie in 20 years?

It was his favourite. He didn't say it was the best. Besides I'd rather have TFA than some snobby Indy film 5 people have heard of.

I've seen it. 10/10 probably the best movie of the 2010s. It's not for everyone though and will be polarising.

I've seen it. It's okay. Some laughably bad CGI in it, but it doesn't completely kill the film. Some cheesy dialogue in the film. Overall I'd say it's pretty middle-tier Scorsese. Def not A+ though. That's a little ridiculous.

Based Kermode said it was overhyped mediocrity

Can someone recommend me some Christians kino? Silence is out in my country in early March...

Passion of the Christ
It got mixed reviews because it triggered so many Jews but it's actually great

I'm gonna go watch this because I love Scorsese.

And I'll enjoy watching a foreign invading religion get BTFO by a strong and united national identity. Knowing the Shogunate wins is the selling point for me plus Neeson.

>he believes in magic in real life

Contrarianism has gone too far

So Dr. Strange has the same rating as Silence?

RT is full of shit. I don't trust it anymore.

Id probably agree with him. Scorsese hasn't done a brilliant film in a long while

It got mixed reviews because it's a pretty flawed film, not everything is based on joos considering it upset so many catholics

>being so detached from reality that i believe atheists hate movies about religiosity

>Doctor Strange: 7.3
>Silence: 8.3
Learn2RT faggot.

Silence is plebshit

If you want a real film about christianity watch Ordet (1955) by Dreyer

Im an atheist btw, if you hate films about religion because you are an atheist then you are retarded.

Ordet (1955), by Dreyer, religionkino at its very best.

Be aware though, if you are a flickpleb you wont like it.

so whan does this movie actually come out

>sending a bunch of awkward lanklets to look for Quigon in Japan
>not Guy de Lusignan and his Crusader Knights to completely fuck every nip up
seems like a missed opportunity.