I never found him attractive until he grew facial hair and started looking like he works at a convenience store

I never found him attractive until he grew facial hair and started looking like he works at a convenience store

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Lil Bieb be poppin xannies

"""facial hair"""
if there's someone who actually needs to be on steroids, it's him. that shit is pathetic

>t.300 pound fatass with a giant beard to cover his chins

t.d&d neckbeard

Bugatti Biebz


My facial hair grows almost exactly the same as his does.

attractive pop stars thread?


justin is so justed now the only convenience store work he could get is during armed robbery hours

Very hot

lacking good beard growth doesn't equal lacking T

Feels good having a thick beard that grows evenly across my face. Still can't get a gf though

giving u middle of nowhere gas station realness!!

I'm so so sorry for you user

Because you're fat


is that flaccid or half chub?

get necked. Stubble will always be sexy a full beard isnt, its become the nu male go to and women cant stand having their faces pricked and ticked by beards and forget about eating pussy you got vag juice on your face nigga. Stubble doesnt tickle a bitch when youre kissing on her cucks dont know this

will steroids actually make me grow a beard?

nice pubes

Torpedo wiener

Dont do steroids unless you already work out a lot. Theyll just make you fat if you just start using them randomly.

Do girls actually like this shit? My facial hair grows exactly the same way but I always shave it because I thought it was too thin.

Justine Beaver's a faggot faggot faggot, faggot faggot faggot!

sorry but full beard is not fashionable any more no gf for you

those are some terrible tattoos...but i would happily suck his cock