Vinyl making a major comeback

>Vinyl making a major comeback
>Cassette tapes still dormant

Why is that? Cassettes are more practical than vinyl ever was

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I'd say tapes are definitely getting more popular these days. But they'll never reach the height that vinyl had.

>Cassettes are more practical than vinyl ever was

What makes you say that? Vinyl has nicer artwork and greater sound quality. The most practical thing about tapes are the size, but with literally everyone using digital files, it makes tapes irrelevant. I still really like tapes though, I find them pretty charming and are great for lo-fi genres like black metal.

Cassette covers are the most useful to autograph hounds at large festivals where they could reasonably get 20 albums signed. Otherwise they're totally useless.

> purposely wanting to listen to music in a shittyer quality then it was released


The getting eaten factor, many such cases.

It's closer to a flat frequency response than vinyl, even with Dolby A

warping due to heat was another favourite of mine

not really seeing any music discussion in the thread. I recommend reading the MU board rules. Try G for this kind of thread.

i agree. and i think they are analog which is way better, at least better than digital

Because cassettes are accepted as a garbage format even by those who lived through the cassette era. Literally just a quality compromise for portability at the time.

There's a Melbourne band who released their first EP as a cassette and sometimes it came wit a cigarette. Then they released a single on a floppy disk.

Tapes were never really seen as anything more than a cheap, portable alternative to vinyl. I doubt they're ever going to come back to nearly the same extent, with the exception of certain music scenes where handmade cassettes are traditional.

>Sup Forums threads
>Sup Forums threads
>Sup Forums threads
>Sup Forums threads
>all in the catalogue right now
>and this guy comes to shit up this thread
Kindly get the fuck off this board

a more 'museum friendly' than archive friendly band in hindsight, though I would have likely appreciated the cigarette in those days.

>Kindly get the fuck off this board
obviously you should help me clean up the board instead of shitting on me. we have the same cause.

A lot of vaporwave artists released albums and eps on cassette. The problem with cassettes is that they can sound good, but they need to be played on high quality sound systems and recorded on high quality cassette tapes, and at that point you're better off just releasing on CD

Shitposting in threads where anons are having friendly and relevant discussion is not 'cleaning up the board'.

cassettes are aesthetic as fuck

Any artists selling CDs ironically yet?

>and at that point you're better off just releasing on CD

people always say this, but fail to realize that CD is an utterly boring format that no-one wants to buy.

A lot of people who buy bandcamp tapes dont even have tape decks. They just want to support their favorite artists and get something more tangible than digital files in return. A tape costs 6-10 bucks on bandcamp, At that price im obviously going to get one instead of boring digital files or a CD that is just going to collect dust.

yeah fuck off. its against the board rules, how is that not shitposting?

cassettes are a medium for releasing music you stupid autist

READ the rules jackass and show me where it says mu is for discussing tech

>making a comeback

Vinyl has been back for years. Cassettes are a hipster option now

ahhah. go back to 2011 reddit

t. hipster

Not that guy, but music tech talk is okay because it is still music talk (it comes under the subgroup "instruments").

>clean up the board
I've got good news and bad news

Discussing tapemusic as a medium and loopers is fine, but discussing the intricasies of a format like cassette or vinyl is G

who gives a shit fascist

Kys. Might as sekä Make Pepe threads if everything goes

Good luck finding a dolby A processor

Holy shit just fuck right off will you

This is legitimate Asperger's

Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say everyone here disagrees with you asshole
