Haven't had the urge to play guitar in 6 months

>haven't had the urge to play guitar in 6 months
>when I do play, I feel bored and out of ideas
>I have lost all interest
is this it? am I done?

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Idaes: try an alternate tuning, learn a song, learn another instrument, get inspired by music (usually when I feel how you're feeling it's just because I'm not enjoying music very much in general. If I get inspired by something I feel like making music again.).

>try an alternate tuning
usually wears off after a few minutes.
>learn a song
pfft, been doing that since forever.
>learn another instrument
good idea. what do you recommend?
>get inspired by music
that never seems to happen to me. I can only listen to it and appreciate it from a distance.

For me I find going to open mics or talking with others about music or working on their music has greatly helped my optimism and ability to write songs. Apparently "I'll Get By With A Little Help From My Friends" is an extremely legit mantra for evolving your music.

try getting some pedals, or a new guitar

you're ready for bleep bloop

I dunno. Mandolin, banjo, bouzouki, lute, etc., would all be easier to learn with your already developed guitar skills. Could try violin, cello, or bass for a big challenge. Why not learn the flute though. Seems pretty fun to me.

>what do you recommend?
Assuming you are not phoneposting, you have already one in front of you. Just download VCVRack or pirate Ableton and a few VSTs.

I've been thinking of adopting electronic music but then I'm afraid in a few years I'll have saved up and bought all that expensive equipment and I'll be right back here, bored and out of ideas - now with midi controllers.
I'm Chromebookposting because I'm poor.

if you're feeling anhedonic in general, stay away from easy pleasures, specially the internet, for a while
pleasure derived from effort tends to pale in comparison with consumption, so you need to deliberately reduce this shit if you want to stay creative
overstimulation is a bitch

oh fuck you're right.
like 10 months ago I couldn't pay for internet so I had to go a few months without it and it was boring as hell but I wrote a lot of stuff

Guitar is just plain fucking boring.

You should learn piano.

I think getting a keyboard would be very fun

the best I can really do is a shitty android tablet running Caustic trial version.
that's all I got right now.

Go back to the 70s, OP.

guitars are timeless and can be used in very modern ways even now. there's a reason why it's considered the most versatile instrument outside of the computer

rock is dead
show me examples of guitar being used in good modern ways
you can't

Buy/pirate a DAW, and then get a MIDI keyboard. It'll be endless fun, so many sounds you'll fucking explode. What's more it'll be good for getting you back into the guitar too, if you get a direct input box you can start recording your own music and run all sorts of effects and experiments.

Yes, you're done. Get out of the way

How's REAPER? Ups, downs?

>show me examples of guitar being used in good modern ways

Show me computa make musucic good
U can't

now get out of my face.
electronic elements and organic instruments can indeed coalesce in perfect harmony you pleb.


- Throw that Chromebook away and get a respectable laptop.
- Download a daw immediately
- Get some VSTs or just use the stock ones who gives a shit
- get a lil 25-key controller, like $99
- get back on that horse


Get some pedals and spice it up. I could mess with my source audio nemesis for hours. Also learn another instrument.

In that case, install Ubuntu on it and download Bitwig Studio 2 with rutracker