I'm boycotting all products made in China, who's with me...

>I'm boycotting all products made in China, who's with me? Just because they're minorities themselves doesn't mean they have a free pass to oppress blacks!

The fact that china banned rap made me love them more

Leave this board pls

you have to go back



I eat rice everyday


The Chinese aren't minorities in China, which is where the Chinese passed this law.

The joke is that soyboys are stupid. Therw are billions of Chinese.

Yes this is Sup Forums related

It is if you follow current music events.

No the joke is soyboy posters are stupid and there aren't billions of Chinese.

t. stupid soyboy

>a literal communist government banning a form of artistic expression is okay because "le nigger music"

If you're going to be a communist shithole either way, why not take the good with the bad and ban things you don't like? democracy was never an option

China isn't communist, commies love degeneracy and rampant crime.

China is communist in name alone, it has borderline nothing to do with much of Marxism. We can evidence this by the fact that China hasn't destroyed itself.

It's like when Trump was elected and Republicans were like "wtf i love russia now??"

They're still an incredibly dystopian totalitarian shitshow.

this but unironically


This doesn't really make any sense as satire or even as a shitpost. But hey, you tried

Some guy said it in a previous thread.

how do i become a Chinese citizen? fuck America and fuck Drumpf

Hopefully it will be Europe's turn to ban hip-hop as a whole soon