So what exactly are the qualifications for becoming a ghost Jedi?

So what exactly are the qualifications for becoming a ghost Jedi?

Why are there not thousands of them walking around?

because the others aren't related to Luke

they're not ghosts they are manifestations of the midichlorians that leave a jedi's body when he dies

>just made this shit up but it's probably true desu

Why have you shopped Aiden Gillen out?

1. be above some arbitrary force power level or whatever
2. know how to do the technique

You must die in the presence of Luke "The Chosen One" Skywalker. He consumes Jedi souls just like the Highlander or American Werewolf of London.

you had to have been taught the technique by ghost qui gon. i dont know how anakin did it though.

Who is that fat guy on the left?

What are the benefits of being a ghost jedi? Obi Wan said he'd become more powerful than Vader could ever imagine, but he's obviously much weaker as a disembodied voice.

Bane without the mask

>manifestations of the midichlorians that leave a jedi's body when he dies

so ghosts.

fucking children need to go

A good question, for another Phase.

The spirit of Qui Gon jinn taught Yoda and Obi wan how to do it. Who knows how Vader did it.

me on the left

You get to hang out with other ghost jedi and meditate and stuff.

Or did he guide Luke Skywalker to defeat both Vader and Palpatine, effectively crushing the entire Sith presence at that time? From a certain point of view, he did.

That sounds awful

Yeah, but indirectly. If Luke had died, he'd be fucked. Might have tried Leia but she was about as force sensitive as Chewie


Your pic is fake as fuck. Who is this old hag?

Here is the real picture.

wrong, this is the real picture

He wanted Vader to strike him down so that he could train Luke from a higher plane of existence. A different, higher point of view, if you will.

wtf Robocop and Gimli didn't die

They all died before they could learn how

because he had way more midi-chlorians than yoda, so what took yoda like 20 years of exile to pull off took vader only 2 hours

Everyone dies eventually

Who is this semen demon?

not Robocop

>Why are there not thousands of them walking around?
Because there was only a handful of Jedi in the OT. So when George made the PT, where the Jedi are numerous, he had to come up with some bullshit reason why they all don't become ghosts.

So he did, come up with a bullshit reason, it by explaining they don't know how to do it, yet.

Fucking Lucas with force-ghost bullshit.Literally a plot-armor for the continuity of the series.Imagine being a force-ghost after shit tons of training and meditation, you literally stuck in the purgatory.

bro, that version is outdated.

They say we die twice. Once when the body dies and then again when the last person to remember you dies.

Why would you see a bunch of jedi that you aren't thinking about? The real question is why doesn't he see his mom? I thought everyone was one with the force, Jedi shouldn't get a monopoly on ghost shananigans.

So, he had the high ground after all

Mia Sand

Eventually Robocop will die. The world will end and he will not be able to keep up maintenance.

And then Luke had his entire Jedi group slaughtered by an edgy teenager, where was Obi-wan then?

I'd fuck her in the pussy if you know what I mean

>falling for bait

He was busy doing ghost stuff

Kind of surprised that Georgie didn't add a ghost Liam Neeson in part of his autistic remastering process.


Yebs mom is the strongest jedi I know

She should have the high ground

He was in a higher ground of existence

Needs more goddamn force ghosts.

His ghost had died of old age and become a superghost.

Yea, but they are ghosts of the tiny parasites. Not the actual guys.

You know, I never really got the impression that he was ever "More powerful than you can possibly imagine"

I am not seeing how being a ghost only one guy can see, appearing on other planets, and....that's it, is really more powerful than being alive and able to actually affect the world. Obi could not help shit or save anyone after he died.