Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Claire Boucher.

doesn't hold up as well as everything that came before it after repeat listens

It's not that good.

the cover. too whimsical. this is the only criticism of this MASTERPIECE. it's probably the best pop album ever.


Her fanbase.

new grimes when

It's better than average but it's not close to perfect by any means. A burger doesn't have to have an obvious "flaw" to not be as good as filet mignon.

If it's one of your favorite albums good for you but please understand that it is not intricate or masterful enough to be anything besides a personal 10/10

Too many songs that were just okay. Just have cut it to keep the bangers. Also should have expanded on first track.. incorporated that more into the album direction.

you're probably right, but why would i care about any other metric than my or others personal ratings

>food analogies
please stop

What's the matter? Don't you like BURGERS?



>implying aa is a burger
wtf? do you really believe this kind of album is as common as a motherfuckin' burger?


He probably a "mayo and whitebread" kind of guy

thank you thank you thank you

Why did you delete your post?

get bread and get well

Bubblegum pop for autists

kill your neighbours and take your life back

dont let people fuck with you. they need to fucking die if they threaten your health. find a knife from the kitchen and deal with them

I preferred both Visions and Geidi Primes. This got a bit too predictable at times. Still a nice enough listen though.