Batman films

Objective ranking:

1. Batman Begins
2. Batman Returns
3. Batman
4. Batman Forever
5. The Dark Knight
6. Batman & Robin
7. The Dark Knight Rises

Haven't seen BvS, yet.

Best Batman:

Affleck is so broken he's literally Bruce Wayne.

BvS is best one.
Ben Affleck's 'The Batman' will top BvS though.

The Dark Knight>1989>Batman Returns>Batman Begins>BvS>4U>Batman Forever>Batman and Robin

>tfw Afflecks Batman in BvS kills and uses guns


batman begins is not really bad, but is really artistically speaking on par with the comic books and cartoons... newer movies trascend the limits of the base material imho

Is it really good? I've heard a lot of bad things about it and Batman killing in the film... I don't know. Well, he kills people in every film but not overtly.

I have high hopes for the Batflick directed by Batfleck, though, even if I don't like Deathstroke that much.

If you have the tolerance to watch the 3 hour Ultimate Cut and can stand lots of talking then yeah it's good.
There's some action here and there but it's scenes like when Alfred is debating Bruce about being Batman that make the movie.
Autistic Lex Luthor is entertaining as well.

I mean, I'm eager to watch anything Batman related. I've seen all the other films (including animated ones) and most of TaS. Just not a huge Superman fan.

Is okay, Batman is the main character of this film, not Superman.
Yeah Clark has his scenes but the perspective is from Bruce seeing him as a threat.
I'm no Superman fan either, but Snyder's version is tolerable, I think anyways.
I'd say give the Ultimate Cut a shot when you have the time.

I am also not huge Superman fan but they way Bats fucks his shit up is satisfying. You should watch it, I did yesterday.

Thanks guys, I will watch it now.

>Just not a huge Superman fan.
I'm not gonna nerd rage on you user. I'm just curious to hear why you prefer Batman over Superman. What is it about Superman that turns you off to the character?

Not him but I don't like Superman that much because he is too overpowered, dude that flies, literally Chad without problems.

Batman is more complex, still a man with demons.

1. batman returns
2. batman
3. Dark knight
4. Batman begins
5. Batman forever
6. Dark knight rises
7. Batman and robin

Bvs doesnt count since its not a batman movie

1. Dark Knight
2. Batman
3. BvS
4. Batman Begins
5. Batman Returns
6. Batman: The Movie
7. Batman Forever
8. Batman and Robin

I don't know. Maybe it's because Batman's suit is cooler. Or maybe it's because Batman is a regular human that can be killed quite easily while Superman is an almighty God-like figure. Or maybe it's because Batman has better allies and a better rogue gallery. Or maybe it's because I prefer Wayne Manor/Batcave to the telephone box. Or maybe it's because I like Batman driving a Batmobile more than I like Superman flying around like a plane or a bird.

Hard to say. Batman is just the only superhero I actually like - and he isn't really a "super"hero at all.

>not posting the true batkino

1 .TDK
2. Batman Returns
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman '89
5. Batman '66
6. Batman Forever
7. Batman v Superman
8. The Dark Knight Rises
9. Batman & Robin

Anything else is a meme ranking

TDK is not really a Batman film, it's a crime thriller in which one of the characters just happens to dress like a bat. Batman Begins is superior.

The Dark Knight Rises was a fucking hackjob that insulted me on every possible level. B&R at least had some semblance of vision and excitement.

The movie is about Batman becoming cruel and sociopathic. Killing criminals is a good way to show that, I have no problem with it. He still kills after he realizes Superman is like him though, which seems kind of dumb. I guess it's ok to kill people when you're saving someone's mom.

Mask of the phantasm > dark knight returns parts 1 and 2 > batman 89 > batman begins > return of the joker> the dark knight rises > heath ledger show > batman v superman > batman returns > schumacher movies
