Is this the most underrated album of the past decade?

Is this the most underrated album of the past decade?

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Probably something you or I have never heard of.

Yeah this is definitely not underrated

yes! gosh, i hope their setlist is Congratulations-heavy on this tour

You do not know what the word 'underrated' means.

It was very underrated when it came out in 2010. Everyone hated it at first reaction and threw it aside. Now people are actually listening to it and appreciating it.

No, it definitely isn’t. How does it feel to know you’re one of the only people on Earth who would suggest it was. LOL. Moron.

if they don't play Brian Eno i may riot

Eh. It's well-produced but none of the songwriting is particularly memorable. Pretty much amounts to a pastiche of old psych pop bands.

Siberian Breaks is not memorable to you???

Not really, it just makes me think of Love or the Millennium or something. But without the hooks or brevity.

Everyone hated it because they wanted more Electric Feel/Kids-ass Apple commercial sounding shit.

Then this dropped and the bandwagon cleared out real fucking quick. I think it's pretty timeless and more memorable than Oracular Spectacular. OS aged like milk.

why are mgmt so comfy lads

it feels nothin. Like we all have different taste, why are you so mean about it? It makes you feel good about yourself, right? I hope you apologies, sir


I was an early adopter of this album. I had never heard of MGMT. Flash Delirium was the song that introduced me to them. I heard it and loved it and wanted the album.


plenty of girls in the sea and i love you too death are their best songs

I think almost every second of the album is really catchy.

I'm surprised I don't see more love for Metanoia.

That EP was very underrated at the time for something so ambitious and it really made me realize they were serious about the new direction they were going in.

Is it a good album?
I heard the first and it was a little boring

I hope they do a Congratulations 10 year anniversary tour in 2020 and preform the album in full or something that would be amazing.


What did you think was boring? The psychedelic rock moments of the second half or the pop singles? Because congrats is a refined surfy version of the former

I just want a live version of Lady Dada's Nightmare

They have played it on speakers at their shows when they come out but not actually preform it. It would be a blessing if they can play their most experimental work like ILY2D and Orphan of Fortune live in an intimate setting with no normies in attendence. But that’s just a dream I guess.

Man I still vividly remember the night after downloading some bootleg file of the full album and just laying in bed listening to the whole thing. I recall the album on my first listen as just one continuous song with zero stops. The more I listened to the album after that the more I got a sense of each individual song. I didn't even know what the track list was and never thought of what the song names might've been at the time. Congratulations was definitely the defining album of my middle school years

Pretty fucking excited for LDA in less than 3 weeks too

MGMT will always be cursed for their former fame. Anywhere they go, people will flock just to hear the same three hits of OS. Still love all their stuff after, just gotta enjoy that OS is what allows them to make cool shit now

>its a blessing but its also a curse
Yeah its an unfortunate situation for them but thats what also makes Congratulations more genuine and personal

Congratulations is a 10/10

One of the finest modern psych albums.

it was so underrated the pendulum swung the other way in the internet world. mainstream-wise yeah everyone remembers it as a disappointment, but the album has got its deserved respect from people who matter.

and even though it may be normie-tier to be disappointed in their self titled album, after 4.5 years i'm ready for the new shit.

it's pretty good & quite underrated but for the past decade? cmon

I used to think that. Now I'm pretty sure it's gossamer. If it came out a few years earlier, It would have been a 9/10 on the old pitchfork, the singles wouldn't have ended up in commercials so fast, and everyone would have memed it.

pitchfork has never liked mgmt and never will

loved this album to death when it came out, still do

They fucking refused to even add MGMT to their list of anticipated 2018 albums yet suck Tame Impala's dick with every single fucking thing they do. Pitchfork hates how popular MGMT is because they're still considered "weird" to them. Fuck pitchfork honestly

I had a friend who was obsessed with this album back in the day and actually worshipped MGMT as like the only real rock n roll and pop music experimentalists, I thought it was pretty good too but I wasn't really worshipping MGMT like he was, I thought that was ridiculous, I mean they were fine but, I dunno. Anyway I should listen to it again sometime.

I also hate Pitchfork. I'm not even entirely sure why, I just always have.

you have a very smart friend

will it get the Pinkerton treatment in the upcoming years?
they are some comfy lads indeed

whats that mean? sleeper "classic album" status?

yeah exactly that.