Is sampling stealing?

Is sampling stealing?

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As long as it's modified in a creative way, then I don't see a problem with it.

It's not stealing.

95% of people that sample these days don't do it in interesting or compelling ways. I tend to see most sampling as untalented motherfuckers stealing horn/guitar parts or drum breaks because they can't play an instrument themselves.

As long as they credit the artist they sampled and use it well, nah

You know artists have to pay to use samples in the music they release, right?

>It's not stealing.
>as untalented motherfuckers stealing

Do you even read the stuff you post? also
>horn/guitar parts or drum breaks
Dude, it's 2018. Not the 90's. These types of samples are almost dead at this point.

You realize acquiring the licenses for samples is fucking expensive. Your average Soundcloud producer isn't clearing those samples. De La Soul got royally (lol pun) fucked by Steely Dan for 3 Feet High and Rising if I remember correctly.

it was the turtles, but yea that was the first big sampling case im p sure

>Steely Dan
It was the turtles. It was really the first a Hip Hop artist were sued for sampling.

That's the point I was trying to convey, yes. Sorry if I worded it weirdly.

What happened with Kanye and Fripp though?

What happened with Kanye and Fripp?

And then Steely Dan said...

"It ain't me, babe"

It's as much stealing as using a I-IV-V chord progression is stealing.

Sampling isn't stealing but that's a fucking AWFUL comparison.
Sampling is using an ESTABLISHED idea/creation as an art alongside your own, whether that's tonally, contextually, or whatever.

A basic musical concept like chords can't be sampled because you can't just own chords.
You can put a case for the chords used with a very specific strumming pattern, with certain harmonies above it, instead of just using hte b building blocks, it's about using those blocks the same way the other artist did where it can't be coincidence most all the time.


nah senpaimly

It’s a cop-out, that’s for sure.

Pretty sure Kanye legally got the rights through the label

Obviously not if you ask for permission to use the sample.