The great debate

The great debate

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braveheart > gladiator

It's entirely because one of the lead actors is redpilled and the other is a liberal cuck.


How is Russell Crowe a liberal cuck?

>based russell crowe
>liberal cuck

kill yourself

Gladiator. Someone recommend more historical films.

Gladiator is SHIT.

Master and Commander
The Bounty

Also recommend
Cobra Verde.

Very difficult choice but I would say Braveheart because:
- more emotional ending
- better battle scenes

Both are amazing movies though.

>tfw you used to love both films, but learning about how historically inaccurate they were completely ruined them for you

Wrong, Norton alone acts circles around them.

Check this channel homeboy:

>You will never serve based Saladin and defend the holy land from crusader infidels

Gladiator and it's not even close. Saw Braveheart for the first time in years recently and it has held up terribly. Parts of Gladiator are really goofy but it's still the better watch. Braveheart wouldn't even be worth recommending if it weren't for Patrick McGoohan.

Eva Green gives me a boner.

HBO's Rome

Ehhh, Saladin was far more motivated by politics than religion any day of the week, taking Jerusalem was really more of a means to an end for him to fulfill a promise he used to further consolidate power. Pic related is a really good source on the subject on the whole as its divide fairly evenly in content between the Latin and Islamic sides of events.

He endorsed Obama

That's how I know you're pleb.

if they had opposite views would you still like braveheart?

>a liberal cuck.

OI! I dare you to say that to my face you limey bastad

Really? I thought he was smarter and would stay out of politics or just keep his mouth shut. In the end almost all the actors are just trained monekeys and parrot whatever they think willgain them sympathy points.

mel is the better actor, gladiator is the better flick, brave heart is the better epic story

really you should have compared 300 to braveheart, then it's hands down butler

Do these words give your life a sense of meaning?


they close though


The real question is

Patriot vs Master and Commander.

Well Braveheart has that shit actor Men Gibson and Gladiator has based Russell Crowe so Gladiator wins by a landslide.

it still goes like this

Braveheart>Kingdom of heaven DC =/= Gladiator DC

sry brah Mel >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ridley

Braveheart>Master & Commander>Gladiator>Kingdom of Heaven>300>The Patriot

I like all of them but The Patriot is nowhere near as good as the first four.

They sure do numale libtard.

thats fucking stupid
patriot is Mels worst film

M&C >>>>>Patriot

ye olde scottish hairstyles really rustle me the wrong way, I don't really know why but I look at mel gibsons hair in that movie or that kids hair and it just fucking revolts me

u just pleb af bro

Gladiator is significantly less retarded than Braveheart.

And I'll update my list because of current reasons:

Braveheart>Master & Commander>Hacksaw Ridge/Gladiator>Kingdom of Heaven>300>The Patriot

it's possible.

It's just a baseless autistic hate for something because I don't like the look of it, and it actually no joke, hurts the movie for me. It's weird and I wish I didn't feel this way.

>Gladiator is significantly more retarded than Braveheart.
ftfy, fgt

nah man, braveheart is his magnum opus, it's too long though, that's the only thing that doesn't give it replay value.

I like both of the actors so, I wish them a very Merry Christmas

A challenger appears.

u a bong? u bald? come on why do Scottish dreads trigger u? this is odd

stay mad retard. braveheart is fucking trash

yes Braveheart is GOAT, patriot is dumb, M&C is great. Merry Christmas

lol, stay pleb junior

bad script, bad directing.

Even Mel couldn't save this one

10/10 would repost

it was pretty shit, it's hard to make a movie about the american revolution.

it would have to be a mini series more than a movie.

I watched mels last movie he made, that last scene is fucking outstanding, it's mel at his best imo

A true challenger arrives


Imagine Sup Forums (and Sup Forums) once a good screener comes out. Hacksaw Ridge is by far the best movie of 2016. It just shits on any other wannabe epic.

Not really worth a mention in this thread. Same goes for Alexander or King Arthur.
Excalibur however should be up here.

gladiator is literally better in every way. it's literally just better. watch both of them. then accept that gladiator is a better film in all ways.

it really isn't, its good, one you include the missing scenes, Bravehearts better


romans are faggots

yea, the movie is kinda snoozefest for the most part, but the ending totally makes up for it

it didn't know what it wanted to be at times, easy rider, or revenge flick or taken, but like I said, it has a great finale showdown like breaking bad style

Alexander and King Arthur are shit by comparison

Troy DC is = KoH, Gladiator and M&C

Interesting comparison, since Mel Gibson was originally slated to play Maximus before Russell Crowe got the role.

yea, that was sweet, thought it was a great little film, probably end up watching it annually

The DC is better, yes, but not THAT good.

Troy was fucking great, I love super epic tales of bravery

Patriot was better

All DC



but Gladiator is more impressive on a technical level

>it really isn't, its good

fucker when his family... you know and the opening scenes with the war

>Bravehearts better
in what way, dialogue? no. fight scenes? no.personal involvement, passion, storytelling, music? fuck no.

You know why I don't have Troy DC that high as you? Because of the actors. Yes, Peter O'Toole and Eric Bana were great but Orlando Bloom and especially Brad Pitt as Achilles were disappointing.
Same reason Kingdom of Heaven isn't higher, Orlando Bloom is bland and everyone wished Liam Neeson would have been the main character. That would have been GOAT. A charismatic lead is essential in those types of movies

what's KoH if I may ask? king of the hill? sorry for my ignorance.

I'd say that 300 wins for technical every time, that movie is just stunning to watch like most of zach's movies, I know I'll get flack from saying that but he has some of the best visual effects in film.

I like the realism that mel does though, it's grounded.

>muh explosions
dude I could nitpick ur post and point out all the great stuff in BH, but its christmas and I couldn't be fucked, if you prefer gladiator fine, your wrong but fine, enjoy m8 its good too

Mel Gibson would have made a superior Maximus

>and point out all the great stuff in BH,
ofcorse you could, Merry Christmas you fucking retard. xx kiss kiss


both work much better in the DC, KoH gets top teir rating because of just everything around Bloom makes up for his blandness, Ridley worked it into the story, he's depressed af. Troy gets less for the exact reason you said, but Pitt was great brah that what Achilles is suppose to be, he just played himself basically, not good acting, but perfect for the part

>muh cgi colosseum

>My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

No contest.

I actually voted Trump because he was the right candidate - no because Im a degenerate memer like you


Apocalypto is better than anything ITT except Master and Commander.

its a good scene

Wallace cutting lord rapes throat was better

muh freeeeedoooommmm

>he's right you know.jpg

got it, thanks, I haven't watched that, I know it came out around 2004ish if I member berries correctly, I was going to watch it but it got panned. fuck me for believing the jewveiwers.

>muh olives

KoH is the best DC, I hated the TC and never imagined the DC could be that much better. It turns an average movie into a great one, but Bloom...Neeson would have been even better as the lead and it could have equally rivaled Gladiator.

But on Brad Pitt, sorry but no. I never imagined Achilles as a druggie surfer dude. He needed way more muscles and they also should have used CGI to make him taller. Only Colin Farrell as Alexander was a bigger miscast.

>300>The Patriot

lol just stop posting

mmember gotcuck, DC only, waste of time otherwise

>Excalibur however should be up here.
Fuck yes it should.

okay kiddo

just like BvS

TC sucks ass, but Ultimate Cut is good

whey can't we see the whole fucking movie at first glance, fmsup

Yes, 300 is not better than anything. Bunch of hairless faggotry.

Crowe = Chaotic good
Gibson = Chaotic neutral

muh raped wife

it was suppose to be ''''realistic''' lol

Achilles is a self-centered bored chad with godlike fighting abilities in Homer, thats what he was on screen, don't know what more you wanted

I liked Dr. Strange. The rest of Marvel shit besides Iron Man 1 is garbage.

No no, the theatrical cut IS shit. That's why it got panned (and tanked). The director's cut of KoH is the examplar for any movie greatly improving from one version to another.
TC: 4/10
DC: 9/10

gladiator had better characters and cinematography. gladiator wins. also hacksaw ridge >>>> braveheart

>muh raped wife

muh great name

pls go

The Patriot is basically Braveheart 2: Electric Bogaloo.