ITT: the worst album from (insert artist here)

ITT: the worst album from (insert artist here).

Let’s start with an easy one. Also inb4KatyPerryWitness

Let's get this one out of the way.

Joanne is way fucking worse
Yeezus is worse

naw, yeezus is just getting better with time

Yeezus is his best.

keep telling yourself that

>Yeezus is worse
Horrible opinion


what program is on his screen?

Probably ableton or some similar shitty program for shitty artists who make shit music.

Microphones lmao. Faggot shit.

Garageband lol

Zero good albums anyway

808s and heartbreak

Zero good albums

Pablo honey

no, it absolutely does not look like Live
Is that a Mac? probably some mac-only editor

Who fucking cares

That guy is a douchebag and his music fucking sucks.

probably this but it's still like a 8/10 lol

His second best
Yeezus is his best
808's is his 3rd best

fame monster>born this way>artpop>joanne>the fame

the fame is great dude

>worse than ArtPop
How? ArtPop only has TWO songs I liked and both were goddamn singles

It's unironically my favorite album of hers.

amazing singles don't make up for the album on a whole being shitty.

album as a whole is good. some of the best songs aren't singles. if you don't think so fine, agree to disagree

>some of the best songs aren't singles.
Name two.

it won't matter because you'll just say they suck but I like basically every song on that album. it's very fresh.

not understanding how you can like even the weakest songs on the fame but not ones like guy, donatella, and fashion. all of which are very early gaga especially the latter

I like all of those songs. Where did I imply I didn't like artpop

Heal the World is enough to make this album worse than his others

idk someone else replied to my post above that wasn't me and i'm getting confused with who i'm talking to

Artpop is great. Loser.

do people actually hate the RH covers or is that just a meme

i've always thought they were pretty cool

Pablo Honey's is pretty bad, rest are great.


another pleb filtered

i have 2 disagree but fair enough

I feel like a lot of people would give it to Milk & Kisses but I actually think that album's quite underrated. Violaine, Serpentskirt and Treasure Hiding are all top shelf CT IMO. For me, FCC's too grounded whereas I like CT the more dreamy they are. It's okay, I just like their other stuff more.


Milk and Kisses is a really good album, I think one of their best for sure - treasure hiding is a 10/10. The catchiness of four calendar is what makes me find it hard 2 believe it is their worst - tracks like bluebeard, oil of angels & pur I can play over and over and give me the dreamy feel, but I see what you mean, and that does make complete sense. What do you think of blue bell knoll?

why do i want to throw up whenever I see this numale creature

True, I like her pop more than her country t b h

Doesn't everyone?

Country-pop Tay > Pop Tay > Country Tay

I think it's a bit frontloaded personally, those first 3 tracks are phenomenal and the rest, while fine on their own, doesn't quite hit those early highs again. Less a weak album and more one that, for me anyways, really puts its best foot forward.

implying country pop taylor and country taylor are any different you fucking mook

Absolutely not. That would be The College Dropout.
That would be Pablo Honey
That would be Section 80

>implying a country song from Red is as country as a song from Taylor Swift

Nah, it's Yeezus. TLOP is somewhat saved by some truly fantastic highs despite the lows but Yeezus has like 3 good songs and a bunch of trash ones.

Yeezus, 808s and TLOP are his three best albums. You all have trash taste.

808s is my favorite and TLOP's amazing when it decides to be but I've never been able to get into Yeezus. Sorry, man.

Dunno how you guys missed the obvious one.

Name a better NMH album, faggot.

On Avery Island

Fucking thank you artpop was basically written by infected mushroom

Out of their three worst albums this one has to come in last

>Katy Perry’s worst album
Not when this shit exists

Fucking garbage. Hours is at least redeemable by the y2k aspect

but ARTPOP is fucking awesome

Agree about the worst album but Outside is far more y2k, hours feels like something he pumped out for the rent

ummm you fricking moron that's clearly katy hudson

>not Reputation
She’s basically a female version of Chris Brown now.

That’s her real name. She debuted as a Christian singer

>implying this isn't her most KINO album ever

That’s not Teenage Dream.

it's Logic you nigger shit faggot

>someone else has actually listened through their catalog
I'd put Uplifter as worse than this but it's definitely second place


I would like to agree but her first album is just bad. Nothing really stands out from there.

I can chalk that up to her being a teen making music for tweens

ITT: Good albums
You guys are just being contrarian dont let Sup Forums decide for you

post that pic of lady gaga
you know the one

Just because something is an artist's worst doesn't mean it's bad.