Why haven't you started a band yet?

Why haven't you started a band yet?

because music sucks and wanky david gilmour undertones can suck my dick

Fuck dadrock. That's why

>post rock

cos surrounded by normies with shit taste

I got one successful one going. Working on #2 but niggas be flaky as fuck.

because I can make better music with more substance and a cohesive theme on my own, where I'm in charge of all the creative decisions and mistakes are entirely my responsibility

Because everyone hates me.

>he feels like people have to take responsibility for mistakes instead of using them as a foundation
you will never make it with that attitude. never.

i don't play a instrument

im trying to right now. me and this dude i went to high school with wanna start a punk band, i play drums and he plays bass but we dont know anyone who plays guitar.

White nationalists don't like midwest emo.

look at the guitarlet everyone

Because I know who started a band just listen to dadrock and pop punk

because half my friends are massive fucking stoners who can't find the motivation to put together a serious recording, and the other half are conservative religious folk who'd freak out if they knew that some of my music was written on drugs

nobody I know wants to make doom metal

>Wanky David Gilmour

started a postrock band last night

Because I'm a douchebag.

This. Why do you think we come to this shithole?

Nobody want to make avant lo fi neofolk with me

>White nationalists don't like midwest emo.
Eh.. you'll be surprised.

I'm a one man band baby, yeaaaaah.

I too am a loner musician.

Because I can play all the instruments myself and I can make the music I want to make without hinderance from other members

Because every song I write is a trunk song, I last wrote a good song five years ago when I was angry, poor, and a NEET. Now I am happy, making six figures, and married, and all I can do is noodle on my guitar now.

because I don't know anybody that has a similar taste

i like to imagine white nationalists listening to MCR and Whitney Houston exclusively (and the irony of that last one being lost on them).

I know plenty with similar taste, but suffer from extreme anxiety with them.

> all I can do is noodle on my guitar now.
I also rub my noodle over my guitar.

>MCR and Whitney Houston
>Not Rick James and Aqua

because nobody wants to make early Swans type shit

Because I've only been playing for a month while all my friends have been playing for years. If I could convinced some of them to start a band with me I'd be by far and away the weakest member and more of a burden than anything.

been there, done that kinda like being 'between groups' at the moment

When I can get my main friends together our jams are really productive, but my best bud just got surgery and can't play for six months so that's kind of on hold.
Also I have a couple of guys who basically make synthpop, and the only thing keeping everything musically sound is catchy hooks and the best guitarist I know being in there. We shit out songs pretty quick, and everyone I've showed them to has been blown away, but the 3rd guy is really sjw and even though we've been good friends for 7 years I feel like eventually we'd butt heads.

Sigur Ros is from 20 years ago.

I'm afraid I would be kicked out for not being talented enough and get to live forever as one of those "members from before the band became good and popular" people whose legacy would be relegated to a brief citation in the band's Wikipedia page.

solo art the best art thats why

i'm too insecure to show my friends songs i've written and too insecure to play live. me and my friends jam often though and it's fun

I'm a social wreck

Quit it because I just wasn't interested in making and playing music anymore. It was fun while it lasted but it's really painful to practice playing songs and try to drive the thing forward when you're not motivated enough. The rest of the band probably does better without me.

I want to start one of those trendy reverb drenched lo-fi hardcore bands but I don't know anybody into that style

Really playing well and vibing with your bandmates is hardly as easy as shooting text messages. Takes alot of work both solo and collectively. That's why most bands are awful and derivative

i would do this

I don’t have any friends

>being a dad at 20