What is a good high quality substitute for an iPod Classic?

What is a good high quality substitute for an iPod Classic?

that thing is like a brick. still holds the battery for like a week full on listening mode.
Pity it has such small storage space.

a walkman

Cowon Plenue D

Another iPod Classic.

iPod nano 6th gen + watch strap


I am not looking forward to the day mine dies, they are so fucking reliable with battery life etc


hi-res audio player with DAC

fiio x1

Hey I didn't know this. It looks really nice. Is it actually worth it?

you are phone + micro SD storage

did those come with scratch disks inside?

my phone has 256 gigs on it now bruh

this is a G thread. Im tired of having to say this over and over

go read the rules and please keep the discussion music related.

A phone, grandpa.

This. Throw Neil Young a bone and buy a Pono if the classic isn't patrician enough for you.

The Pono is literally dead.

$3 mp3 players.

>Pity it has such small storage space.
Mine has 160GB
