Friendship ended with DEATH GRIPS

Friendship ended with DEATH GRIPS
is my
favorite rapper of the 2010s

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> I need a bitch with long hair like Myke C-Town

rock n roll is dead is basically if mc ride made nights

don’t we all? He’s one sexy nigga

shame I stopped listening to rap in the begining of this year. I might have given this guy a chance, but due to black people not wanting us in their culture, I decided I don't want them either.

am I missing anything with this guy? is he a crazy eccentric person? another one of those? cause why else would all death grips and danny brown hop on his bandwagon

na, I prefer gifgang

>is he a crazy eccentric person?
not really, he's tapping into modern alienation a lot though does he stack up to Grips?
Death Grips is babby's first noided album, and thats a good thing. I bet this guy puts too much usual seriousness in his music, making it too normie.

He's a black communist, but his music's pretty good despite his political ideas being rudimentary and stupid.

how is he a communist dumb shitposter?

should i still listen to this nibba after he dissed Ride

he looks like a communist

>commie mad another black man put nigga in his album title

His IQ is roughly 115, right at the bottom end of that special range where you are smart enough to know you’re smarter than most people but not smart enough to realize you’re an idiot. Similar to the Rock & Morty fan range

finally a good rapper coming out of baltimore. feels good

the shilling is strong with this one

fuck you speilburg

remember when he sampled a video of a 20 year old cop dying?

I'm sure he's a stand-up and good dude.

well even though I hate communists, I'm sure he's not a terrible person. Just trying really hard to be edgy for shock value.

cops arent people


t.15 year old

The Last Jedi of rap music

Sure they are.

They're the worst of humanity.

>Tfw I understood 90% of his references and callouts

I felt ashamed for understanding the NXT references

Could he make it any more obvious that he posts on Sup Forums

Is this /asp/-core?

>referencing a no draw manlet and a diva

>the obvious Edge theme snippet in various tracks
>Both Hardys in 2 songs
>no draws

Fuck off.

I just listened to this due to melon hype and oh shit its one of the most enjoyable things I've heard in a long time. Honestly didnt expect to like it at all

What even genre is this and where is there more like this (given I dont like Death Grips)?




Original take.

Based off the only album I heard, he's a black supremacist who raps over sort of cloud rap beats and hates white people and liberals.

It was alright.

Read Marx libtard

>Rock and Morty

Someone name their band this

I hate the phrase meme-rap but if there was ever an album to 100% unequivocally call meme-rap it would be this

woah i can kinda see this

>My Thoughts on Neogaf Dying

This is memerap done right


this is gonna sound dumb but i know jpeg and know for a fact that he does not post on Sup Forums. i know this bc i was the first person to start spamming Sup Forums for him.


plus he references rick and morty on the album

is he really that left-wing? because it seems like it's pure "fuck everything" with him once you get past the irony

he’s a nihilistic rapper with some weird kinda-experimental beats. Worth the listen tho

There is no doubt he would post on here, check the achieves

don't respond to hyperautistic bait.

he's pretty moderate left leaning. the fuck everything attitude is just a result of how he started off with the jpegmafia project. he started it after abandoning his original attempt at being a rapper, so he was a lot more bitter and didn't give a fuck anymore. he was always like that, but moreso after changing his name. i think he was coming out of a low point in his life and had enough of being limited and stuff like that.

>Sup Forums on my dick cause I'm edgy
what did he mean by this?

i guarantee you anything you see in the archives is me. i used to spam his old music before he was jpeg, too, so that's all me as well.

love to be called cracker a bunch haha aren't we just the worst fellow whites haha :)

there's nothing more pathetic than insecure white people getting offended at rap lyrics that make fun of white people
get a grip dumbass you're no better than those SJWs who get triggered at everything

I really wanted to like it but it's too fucking obnoxious. I'm not wasting my time on literal memes and stupid mouth noises. It's like if an edgy 15 year old made a rap album.

>"I beat that shit like Lennon beat his bae"

D I D Y O U K N O W T H A T J O H N L E N N O N B E A T H I S W I F E ?

I agree that a lot of white people are waaaay too sensitive but if I called a black person a nigger or chimp there'd be outrage

Where would the people who realize they're smarter than the majority of the population but also realize they're an idiot be located?

What did he mean by this?

Hey fuck you.
The first episode of Rube and Schmitt was good.

>reading the ramblings of a terrorist

The Short Circuit reference made me smile when I heard it

(most) cops are scum

people are rightfully afraid of cops. I actually took a criminal justice course and the amount of corruption and sadism that goes on that most people aren't even aware of is appalling.



My man yung midpack goes hard on this