Is Stephen King's IT (2017) gonna be good? The costume seems to be pretty polarizing...

Is Stephen King's IT (2017) gonna be good? The costume seems to be pretty polarizing, but some of the other set photos look alright.

No, they're not gonna have the scene where the kids all bang the girl.

Set photo of a dead child.

It doesn't look good

Another still

I ain't going to watch it if there is no gangbang

It's 2017 nobody is scared of clowns anymore they look fucking dumb lmao.

reminds me of this shit from The Wall.

>No orgy


This is not a dead child, it's The Leper. Get it right.

Will the bully get a handjob from his sidekick?

There were groups of people this year who literally planned to get together with weapons to "defend" themselves against pranksters in clown costumes. Of course people are big enough pussies to still be afraid of clowns in adulthood.


I just want to have sex with the Bev in this one. I don't care if my bros join in or not.

I lost hopes when Fukunaga got changed.

the hair on IT looks fucking retarded

Fukunaga wanted to make a bunch of unnecessary changes so I'm glad he's out.

What the FUCK happened?

Who's the dweeb

ok i lol'd

I do like how his head does look kind of spider-like, and the outfit being closer to the book description is nice.

So I'm cautiously optimistic. It's going to be better than The Dark Tower that's for sure.

Giant Paul Bunyan?

who's the guy on the left?

Is it really "spider-like"? It seems more drider-like if you ask me.

Confirmed. Shots of it have been seen.

the facebook guy

The old made for TV movie was pretty shitty, so anything they are doing to bring it closer to the source material is a promising sign (costume included.) I doubt they are going to have a bunch of kids run a train on a girl in the sewers, but
that was one of those parts that was written in a vicadin induced trance, so I don't think it will hurt the story too much.

Man... it is kind of important that "IT" makes a splash on Sup Forums, or drider posting will never take off.

Fuck, you got me.

so the clown sightings were confirmed gorilla marketers?

No because people have been doing it every Halloween for a long time. This year people just decided to make one or two "go viral" so there were a lot more copycats.

What were the changes he wanted to make?

Is that really his hairline?

No joke thats pathetic

It's pretty common.

Damn, moot looks like THAT??

ugly hoe


That's an ugly goblin.

The part in the book with the dead kids in the water tower was scary as fuck. Just picked up the paperback, gonna read it again in anticipation of the movie.

I've gotta admit, the costume has grown on me and the leper/floating child's head pics give me hope it'll be closer to the book than the Tim Curry one. Curry was an amazing Pennywise, but otherwise the movie was fucking terrible.

No gangbang, no watch.

Stuff it, hollywood.

When will there be a photo of his drider form?

Fuck steven king and his stupid ass freudian horror stories.

Ok, we get it, you figured out that clowns are a psychological trigger and wrote a book longer than the bible about some boring fucking bullshit.

Probably won't release one before the movie, lad. That's part of the payoff, don't wanna spoil it.

well good news for you im pretty sure dead kids in the water tower are here

It usually takes the form of something else, tbqh. A werewolf, a leper, a giant bird, a shark, a drowned body. He appears as a clown in a few scenes, but it's not like the book is about a clown with a knife hiding in a dark alley.

at least they aren't just sticking the kids in a well and cgiing it to look like sewers

Dang it

Cool as fuck. Anyone got the pic of Pennywise lurking around the corner in the sewers?

I'm liking this the more I see.

cant find that one but ill dump others

And Neibolt Street.

This needs to be a two part movie otherwise it wont work. It also has to focus on mood and atmosphere!!!FACT!!!



Spooky house. I'm warming up to this movie so far.

The clown is too over the top. Looks fucking cheesy.



So will this perhaps become /ourfilm/?


Holy shit, are they gonna include it? The absolute madmen.

>the part in the book where kid Ben is in the library, looks up and sees the high school girl on the stairs above him is not wearing underwear
>mfw my 14 year old self popped a chub at the idea

>>the part in the book where kid Ben is in the library, looks up and sees the high school girl on the stairs above him is not wearing underwear

Literally didn't happen.

>and for the winner of this weeks rockbusters we have a copy of Stephen King's Children of the Corn on ... VHS

Literally did. Adult Ben enters the library and instinctively looks up while walking under the stairs, then finds it amusing that he would still do that after all these years.

He always looked up because of that one time with the high school girl. Hell, I even remember how King described Ben's boner as "a hard little branch," because I felt the same way.

She was wearing underwear. He describes them and then talks about how he once looked up and saw an old ladies underwear and then stopped doing it.

eddies hair looks retarded in this one i hope it looks better on screen
i hope they make paul's movments all wacky and intense like how his face gets really close really fast. scared the shit outta me

to my surprise he does look scary here

Yeah, I think you might be right. Been like 12 years since I read it.

another one of finn and jack

It's a long ass book so I don't fault people on the details. I probably only know since I read it again about 6 months ago because of threads like this.

I'm guessing those silver spikes on Mike's bandolier thing will replace the silver slingshot pellets?

Could be. And that might be some kind of potato gun/airgun on his back to shoot them.

which room is the orgy room?

>that part where the guy traps dead animals in the fridge
>that part when he gets fed upon by the leeches and one of his eyes just deflates
It blows my mind how King can create utter shit like Tommyknockers and then make something so fucking amazing like It, especially since the idea is kind of goofy.

heres another pennywise

>spooky clown
>80's small-town atmosphere

I'm sold.


Everything about Patrick is great. The several pages where he describes how Patrick's mind works, how he thinks he's basically the only "real" person alive, perfectly nails how a pure sociopath thinks.

yepp, best part of the book right there.

>that part when he gets fed upon by the leeches and one of his eyes just deflates
terrifying as shit.

The fact that It didn't know what form to take when it revealed itself to him is one of the most overtly fucking freaky things in the book to me.

i wish these fucks took bigger pictures

It really is, just shows how messed Patrick was.

>Jonathan Brandis

for YOU


>I doubt they are going to have a bunch of kids run a train on a girl in the sewers, but
>that was one of those parts that was written in a vicadin induced trance, so I don't think it will hurt the story too much.

Sure, but them having some kind of "bonding" scene where they focus on their friendship would still be nice and help the story.

Also I hope they don't leave their dead friend behind in sewers when they beat Pennywise.
Felt kinda shitty.

meant go click myself

He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

King nails that line between homophobic terror/gay rape fantasy better than anyone, he gets right into the darkest physical horror of it and somehow still makes it pulp. That "anal rape of a retard with a revolver" scene in The Stand is his purest moment of this, it's completely revolting but impossible to stop reading, I fucking hate the guy for making this shit but I'm still impressed by him.

run fatty

So the movie is set in the 80's now when they were kids?

>That "anal rape of a retard with a revolver" scene in The Stand is his purest moment of this

I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the wrong King book.


last one i got. full kid cast. Belch huggins on the left is fucking perfect

Who is Henry?

this one looks pretty good, at least not pure cgi.

There's no CGI in that pic.

Top center. Left is Belch, right is Patrick, can't remember the name of the bottom one.

Yeah. I was against it at first, but not so much anymore. King was born in the late 40s, so he would've remembered the 50s through the rose coloured glasses of childhood. That's why the child portions are so fucking comfy - he's basically writing from his own experiences.

I think it's easier for the director to convincingly portray the 80s in a movie like this, rather than the 50s.

sure there isn't in this pic, but I guess they will still use cgi to improve it.

Meant for