The Lobster

What's the message at the end?
>2nd chance for love
>Society pressure for marriage
>Being a loner backlash

That piano music in the woods, amazing.

Other urls found in this thread:

forgot about the timezone, now starts the porn posters
what i was thinking... talk about movies on Sup Forums

Is this on plebflix?

i don't know
torrent it, i did.

Love is superficial and based on shallow things like common interests. It's supposed to be ambiguous but I'm 99% sure he bitched out and left her there

Lanthimos has said it's about the absurd amount of pressure and expectation that relationships entitle. ie Farrell cutting his eyes out in the end so he has something in common with his GF.

Not as good as Dogtooth desu.. tho big keith made it worth while.

I noticed every couple was going for the same common stuff (the nosebleed, heartless persona), but i failed to link the final scene.

Beautiful message indeed.


OP here
Lone leader did that out of jealousy or have a deep meaning?

The scene where that. Bitch kills his brother as a dog fucked me up

what animal would you choose to be?


I'd be a bull

I-is this bait?

I'd be an elusive cartoon frog who spends his time rallying NEETS on a tibethean hyroglyph decoding website.

not him but, how's it's bait?
colin's character was going to do something for love or bail out of the situation
what he choose is up to the viewers or the credit greek music have a role in his decision, the notes were about some islands in the mediterranean sea if i remember.

The entire point of the scene is the struggle as to whether or not he will blind himself to have common ground to be with her. If he didnt get that until now what did he think was the point?

>When single, you seek a soulmate
>When you're a couple, you seek lonelyness
Message is: humans always desire what they haven't

Probably a crow... I'd like to fly

A whale so I'd have something in common with your mother

My mother is very fit you cow

Post pics if you're so certain

Everything in that movie was so purposefully placed

Why did they show him singing only the first two verses of "Where the Wild Roses Grow"?
(in the first two verses he courts a girl, in the third verse he kills her)

The message is about not hurting yourself over social pressure.
There is no need for him to blind himself to have something in common with her. That was something dumb he thought was true. The whole film is about people having no idea how relationships really work.

Good ending is that he doesnt blind himself and stays with her but we dont see if that happens.

The point of the ending isn't whether or not he cut his eyes out, but the absurdity of the decision itself.

He's asking whether having a relationship is worth cutting out your own eyes, whether it's better to be alone, or should you tell society to fuck off