-Sup Forums's favorite artist

-Sup Forums's favorite artist

-crossdressing soyboy

like pottery

whew he makes even a matron's dress look stylish

He probably fucked more women than you've ever met.

thanks for confirming me that he was indeed a denegerate

And loved a better and more successful life than you ever will

>ywn have a crossdressing soyboy in a bath tub with him without any sexual tension and he's just letting you wash his back

david bowie was the fucking man

Fucked up the sentence but you know what I mean

The girl who bought the world

not the most obvious reference in the world, i respect it

>crossdressing soyboy
>David Bowie

Bowie was a bigger chad than anyone who unironically uses the term "soyboy" could ever hope to be

Cara a cute

>can't even greentext

These are the people calling people soyboys.

Or rednecks,


it's kind of a satirical internet joke bro, at least calling somebody a cuck had some kind of meaning behind it

>being proud to be a virgin who posts on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
lmao hhahahahahahahah my sides xDDD the absolute state of the alt-right

balls on my balls

>muh favorite artist has to be manly
enjoy living on a farm for the rest of your life

nice greentext, newfriend