The problem with modern Marvel movies is the postmodernism

The problem with modern Marvel movies is the postmodernism.
Marvel movies are crafted with a tinge of "haha can you believe we're watching this in the theater? Superheroes! How ridiculous!" because audiences find it easier to digest than a conventional and heartfelt superhero story.
"Haha lol! The monks are talking about wi-fi passwords lmao! That's good because for a second I was almost immersed in a world that didn't remind me that I'm only watching this movie so I can post about it on Facebook later!"

The same formula has been used on the recent Mission Impossible movies but at least those movies are actually getting better.
>Character says something quirky
>Violin pizzicato version of the main theme plays in the background
>Close up of all the other characters reacting

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You drove too far in the wrong direction. The problem is that there's no genuine threat and they're too faithful to their formula.

I've seen this pasta

the disney films put themselves into a rut forcing themselves to become more childish. IronMan movie wasn't particularly childish yet marvel captain america civil war had a battle which lacked any sense in how a battle between superheroes (all with unique abilities) would occur. You could swap the character for another set and the battle could still be done that way

What did you mean by this?

I'd rather they did this than expect people to take it seriously, as if it was culture. This way, the viewers always remain aware of how little they're asking of cinema, and the way is open for them to look at the real challenges later.

All this

If I wanted a serious film, I'd watch Birdman

It's a big problem that our culture would have sorted out by now if it weren't for paid reviews, both positive and negative for competition. Entertainment stagnates, it happens.

Like a boulder blocking the flow of a river, eventually the boulder will erode enough for a powerful force to push it away. Trying to postpone the inevitable will only make the impending force even stronger.

reviews aren't real

really makes you think.

And the whole paid reviews thing is bs. If Marvel was offering money for reviews, the website being offered money would make more by writing an article about Marvel offering them money.

Comics are part of culture whether you like it or not

Do you remember the music of the last Marvel movie you watched?

No you didn't. Because their goal isn't to make it memorable. It's to make it bland and forgettable and as inoffensive as possible. These people aren't artists. They're businessmen. And businessmen only see numbers. The music actually reflects the entirety of MCU films. Because the music is just one example of just how forgettable and boring these Marvel movies are.

They are focus-tested. They are reshot. They are studied and tweaked over and over and over again so that it has exactly filled all the boxes of its checklist. The director doesn't direct. He does what he's told from his corporate bosses that see him as a tool, a puppet, more than an artist. This isn't film. This is just mindless trash for the brain to passively consume for an hour and half.

Final fight in CW was one of the best action sequences of decade.

CW, Doc Strange, Winter Soldier were all top-class capekino

>Do you remember the music of the last Marvel movie you watched?

Kind of a weird question, but yeah... I remember the soundtracks as good as any other big blockbuster. They're fine. You're being an autist, of course this isn't big art, who ever pretended it was?

CW war was probably the least 'childish' apart from WS, what are you on? The big cape battle not being as interesting as it could have been has nothing to do with that.

It was ludicrous watching all the superheroes including Bow Man run at each other only for Bow Man to abruptly stop right at the edge of frame and shoot at, like, nothing? I have no idea.

It was such a clusterfuck, zero energy, zero tension.

That's a one off vs the potential of a sustained income.

I don't know if it's pasta but I agree

It IS culture, that's the disturbing part.

I have over 200 film scores in my collection, I know them intimately, but outside Iron-Man's theme and the Avenger themes I couldn't hum or name a single piece of music in these films. Impressive considering the sheer amount of music.

It's not a meme, it's real, the music is deliberately designed this way. I think it's to give Disney maximum flexibility in hiring composers. They can drop them and their leitmotifs without consequence if no one cares about the music much.

And you believe that every single paid review marvel offers, they're all excepting?

None of them have any moral issues with that? If they are as widespread as you're implying, then at least ONE SINGLE PERSON would say something.

>the website being offered money would make more by writing an article about Marvel offering them money

Top kek. You think insulting the mouse and getting blacklisted by the most profitable studio is profitable?

I can easily remember a lot of the music from these movies.

Cap theme is the superior one.

And Antman, really liked that one too.

True most people don't give a shit anyways.

Yes I do think it's profitable. Why is Marvel receiving good reviews even that hard to comprehend? People eat up that garbage without looking at review scores.

>People eat up that garbage without looking at review scores
Kek what's your point? The movies always get good scores anyways.

Too bad they buried the Cap score in the mix

It's not just Disney though. Hollywood has been giving short thrift to composers and scores for years.

my point is marvel doesn't need to pay for reviews when people already go to all their movies.

This is like saying they don't need the marketing. Of course they do you dumb shit.

Wait, Iron Man has a theme?

HEy, I remember seeing that video on reddit!

It's retarded and wrong

if paying for reviews is such an integral part of marketing then why don't all studios do it?

Go back

What's happening is part of a phenomenon I wrote about a couple of years ago when I was asked to comment on capeshit. I went to the Yale University video store and bought and viewed a copy of "Avengers 2." I suffered a great deal in the process. The acting was dreadful; the movie was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the character said instead that he "was going to go stretch his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Whedon's mind is so governed by cliches and quips that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of the Avengers by the same Christopher Nolan. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Marvel at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to watch DC." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "The Avengers" you are, in fact, trained to watch the Dark Knight.

Then don't watch them desu senpai

I remember this song from Doctor Strange just fine.

Then youre the problem.

>as if it was culture
But it is. And a big part at that.

>a conventional and heartfelt superhero story.

please someone post some of the marvel source material from the 60s

You're right that it doesn't really work on film, not without context anyway - it's a comic medium specific thing called a splash page. Presumably, the shot would be an homage to that. It doesn't make sense in a comic, either, from a realism PoV, but that's not really important for comic medium story telling. Arguably, it's not important for these kinds of films, either.

DC movies don't and they still make fucking piles of dosh, you're off your rocker m8 wewlad

Lowest common denominator movies are a bit more sophisticated than they used to be but they're still the same shit.

It would be nice if superhero movie fans would stop pretending like they are into movies and make their own board.

It is funny in another post someone asked why no one discusses something even basic like Rashomon, as if someone who owns the entire Marvelverse in bluray could get through something with no obvious cues.

This isn't Sup Forums, go talk about your Japanese cartoons there.

>needs a classic to contrast capeshit to
>immediately goes for Nipon weebshit

Get the fuck out of here you big-tittied faggot.

erm, it's not a cartoon?
>dismissing all of japenese cinema

uh huh

>it's not a cartoon
Oh I'm sorry, I meant /vg/