ITT: Worst album covers of all time

ITT: Worst album covers of all time

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Nah, it's just really 60s.

Is earl's album cover an homage to this?

he was really more of a singles artist

if it was just the first two sentences it would have been pretty cool

user does't like it.




Most of the pre-rock'n'roll guys were, regardless of gender. Even their records always sounded like singles or thematical collections.


Now that's some real treating old black men like children shit if I've ever seen it

Both the album and electric guitar were for commercialization



look at this edgy shit

terrible opinion

That album cover is fucking vile. Imagine if that was your first exposure to The Who. I would literally never even touch it.

Honestly this is one of my favourite album covers; the orderly title font and bland cream background are completely juxtaposed by the childish fonts scribbled across the sleeve, as if a student were to bring just the title on a cream sheet of paper to a lesson with them and other kids in their class started nicking it from him, passing it around and writing completely random content for a laugh. In a sense I suppose its nostalgic of growing up in British public education. In addition the blue line acts almost as a vertical break between text that is barely usurped and pushed by the more ostentatious comments in a similar manner to how teenage/ pre-teen students often push and bend their school's rules. This is then to say nothing of the pleasant image nearby which adds a exiguous degree of contrast to the rest of the sleeve.

the fuck is wrong with you

is his nose really that big? fucking hell England

I meant to click The Shutov Assembly

love this album but the cover screams "graphic design is my passion"

A classic of shittiness

metal af

oh so that's where Zazen Boys got it

it's gaudy and goofy as shit on purpose, obviously. plus i can't imagine it's many people's first exposure to The Who, it's not their biggest album now, and they were really famous when it came out.

The metalest pants ever seen.
Also here's another shitty cover, the wolf seems to have down syndrome

but that's the best of all time you fucking donut

user-a, sit down with us.... no no we insist. SIT DOWN user.

every contemporary hip-hop album from 2000 to 2010


There's something about Marillion that just bugs me. Like, the album covers look like they smell like old nasty books

let's be honest, this is a so bad its good classic at this point


Classic manure
I can't stop laughing

What the fuck was he thinking?

In the context of vaporwave and early pc graphics aesthetics I can really appreciate this cover

it fits fucking perfectly on the Sup Forums background

lmao and I thought nothing could rival pic related in lameness
Good job

t. mallgoth

This cover is literally garbage

The difference is, they released it against HW's will

Hard-Fi actually thought that looked amazing and Epic xD

This could be aesthetically pleasing in a fucked up surreal way if the font didn't blend so poorly

For me it's Reality.

Almost as dumb as this

When a torrented this in high school I thought this was a fan made cover ans was very surprised when I found out it was the real one

>"OK, lets name our band."
>"How about 'The Dick Handlers'?"
>"Not christian! Wait, I got an idea honey. So, how many people are we?"

The early 90's were a aesthetic dead end

I haven't keked this hard in a long time

>Sup Forums

>3 people
Is the photographer part of the band?

I think it's a great cover

That's an amazing album cover even if the story behind it is bullshit.

Decent album too, even if he was a little past his prime at this point.

you, the listener, complete the dick handler quartet

I don’t get why this one is so hated. I’ve seen so much worse in album covers, especially metal albums.


It's not a real album cover.


I use it as bait.

>three more great new songs written by Brian Wilson
>out of the songs they’re referring to, one is a cover and one is some spoken word throwaway from an interview

>had a 20 minute interview tape
>picked the least interesting part for the track

>ywn hear the part where they bring in the wives and "big daddy" for the bull session

>blocks yr path

hate this album but think the exact same thing

Take that frame on the back away and rearrange the point of view a bit and this would've been top tier.

>C93 goes buttrock
There's also this one

Their best album

Yeah it reads like a car ad from that period.

I think you can afford to have a bit of down if your fingers are literally eagle heads.

Actually it IS mostly fan made. Dave Patchett (of Cathedral fame) did the background and Eddie, then the CGI shitshow was done by some random kid they found on Maiden's official forums.

this guy gets it

The most punchable face I have ever seen

>The metalest pants ever seen

You mean how Bill Ward wore his wife's tights for the photo shoot.


this cannot be real

It is, mr hot pocket


>A Neworder Release

its really a mistery how an artist with such an emphasis on his image had such a shitty album cover.

>literally vaporwave
i think kanye needed to lay off the meme juice



it's a good album, too.
I didn't listen to it for the longest time simply because of the fucking cover


Best part about it is that it tricks you into expecting a shitty album.



i can't help but think this cover is in bad taste- especially for a christian band. i get it's supposed to be an ironic take of the pen and pixel rap covers, but it's almost like they're treating their own music as a joke. it's just off-putting to me

That is sick though

The Backdoor Wolf [Chess, 1973]

There's more talent in this 63 year old's large intestine than passes through Sunset Recorders in a month. You think Steve Stills could come up with something as clever as "Coon in the Moon" and turn it into an ironic cry of pride? The Wolf hasn't been in this fine a form in years. Suggestion--get rid of the electric piano. A-

im almost choking, thats so fucking funny

I never really read the cover before

that is horrid

this looks like some garbage quickly made in one of those fake album cover threads

Made you look, now you have to listen to the greatest album recorded


i respect that you have four sets of dubs, but this cover is beautiful

this actually one of the best

are you sure that you are on the right thread?

The Wall
The White Album

That band employs humor. They actively recognize the absurdity of what they're saying, yet firmly believe it. Faith is something completely absurd, this has been noted by Kierkegaard who was an obvious influence on their mode of christian thinking. OF course they would make it over the top.

didn’t know ICP had an album called killing joke. wonder if they’re fans of the band