
It's Daddario Kino Bluray time!

Stoners are faggot degenerates.


Now that weed is legal these movies will stop being made right?

>that poster

Jesus. Is it worth watching for the Roast Beef Woman at least?

>beautiful woman and nebbish, bespectacled jew
Why do they always do this?

he is truly the master attractive race

the contrast makes for easy jokes, it makes the attractive star as "not like the others", and it allows male audiance members to more easily relate because while only chads can relate to other chads anyone can still relate to people they view as comically beneath them. it is easy writing and makes for an inclusive fantasy. "if she fucks him she would definetely fuck me"

and the jew part honestly has to do with our culture's deeply ingrained anti-semitism. jews in pop culture represent the lowest of the low. it's the only way to make a nerd even nerdier in studio film.

>and the jew part honestly has to do with our culture's deeply ingrained anti-semitism. jews in pop culture represent the lowest of the low. it's the only way to make a nerd even nerdier in studio film.

inb4 the hundreds of 'sex symbol' male jews from hollywood

that's different. their characters are not jews first. the industry is full of actual jews.

Could someone answer the question we all have on our minds?

no, tugging on it won't make it bigger


ok theyre only not jews when theyre hot because you say so

Enjoy, goy

udderly delightful

does she show her mammarios in this?

she's fallen so low that now she's doing stoner movies lmao



""""""""beautiful""""""""" woman

how gay r u?

That is my one prayer for legalization.
Make it legal so it isn't cool anymore and this can stop. Please.

Stoners are the worst. They don't understand that you can smoke weed without being a part of the most horrible sub-cultures on the planet.

do weed, goy!

dont exist

she keeps hitting new lows

>It's another 2/10 jew kid gets a 11/10 woman for no reason

It ends with her going back to her to her ex him running away

Daddario is a 10

someone shop charlie day on the cover this and ill watch


Stoner comedys are the worst. Normie stoner plebs who are dummed by the weed eat any kind of liberal shit up. The only good ones involve other drugs too and dont focus on a single drug like the eastbound and down show (very jewish)

post her tits


When will she be A-List?

They're udderly enormous.

will hollywood ever stop using "meme beauty" and start using actually attractive women?

nice shop, uggo