What went through Jerry's mind when he wanted to write a movie about a bee trying to woo and fuck a fully grown...

What went through Jerry's mind when he wanted to write a movie about a bee trying to woo and fuck a fully grown, adult woman?

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This will surely bee amazing

He was just beeing himself

It was just a flick about beeing who you want to bee

Buzz off, op

What's strange about a Bee chasing his honey?

Love has no boundaries, shitlord. Consider that beefore judging the movie.

I am sure he might just bee a beedophile


I really don't want to live anymore, i'd rather bee dead

She wanted the B

I'm sure the idea was just buzzing in his ear before he finally decided to make it

She wanted the the BBC

Big Bee Cock

An excuse to spout B rated jokes

Oh, bee hive.

How many shekels he could get out of something so ridiculous.

Stop beerating this film

I'm sure he felt the critic's sting after reviews went live

I guess it was something he had been thinking about for a while. Beeats me why

Please stop


love transcends time and space

interstellar just took the Bee Movie message and ripped it off shamelessly

It's hip to bee square

Its hip to fuck bees


Bee a little more creative with your responses please. we're trying to have fun here

it's funny because it sounds the same when you say it but when you write it you write it with "bee" instead of the correct way because it's a bee movie so it's funny

Oh beehive

dude could probably go mad on that clit tho

You really aught to bee more original

Bee movie is a true masterpiece. It's a complex allegory for the dangers of communism. At first, the capitalist society present in the hive functions perfectly, with all bees satisfied. However once Benson chooses to revolt against society, the bees become lazy, resulting in a collapse of the system keeping the world working. Bee movie shows us that Comminusm will only lead to failure. A true masterpiece.

>implying bees aren't the biggest commies around

actually the movie is the result of Jerry joking to Katzenburg that they should make a movie called "Bee Movie" because of the pun. Katzenburg immediately put the idea into production because Hollywood works like that.



This might bee my favorite thread

>about a bee trying to woo and fuck a fully grown, adult woman?
>tfw just realised the movie was about a bee falling in love with a WASP

'For years and years I wanted to make a Pop-Tart movie, because I knew there was something incredibly funny about them, only I couldn't figure out what.

Then one day I realized why they were so funny. Pop Tarts never go stale because they were never fresh. After that I didn't need to make the movie anymore.' - Jerry Seinfeld